Wednesday, May 17, 2017

Deep-state playing w. Trump, like cat w. mouse, Trump mere flunkey for Israel first....

satanists/Jews Still Aiming, Want To Kill Mighty I-Net
(Apollonian, 18 May 17)

Ho ho ho ho--today, 17 May 17 Hannity monologue (see, he says there are 5 groups aligned against Trump, media, Dems, Deep state, never trumpers, and neo-cons, but NOT KIKES, o ho ho ho ho--and that's all Trump cares about. But problem is kikes will sell him out--like they've done w. Mueller, former FBI head now appointed spec. prosecutor by the moron, Sessions, ho o ho ho ho. "Deep state" continues to play w. Trump and voters like cat w. mouse.

Additionally, it's reported Trump's son-in-law, Kushner, met w. Russkies, and didn't tell Trump. Finally, one last little tid-bit: remember Seth Rich, the DNC staffer shot in the back, but nothing taken fm him?--he evidently was leaking to Wikileaks. So was he killed for such leaking?--quite possibly--and now we see what Trump is up against, facing same fate as JFK. Regardless, Trump works for Israel and Jews first, never forget.

So the pt. is Trump can do nothing to very little, ONLY what his Jew/Israel controllers allow, and Jews/Israel are not going to sell-out their "deep-state," globalist partners. Trump is just a pawn, pathetic fool. What does deep-state AND Israel fear most?--the free I-net, and they're working to destroy it as serious information.

So deep-state is playing Trump like cat w. mouse, and the American people are being played too, evermore without leadership, Trump neutralized, compromised. But still, the simple, obvious observation is the SATANIC strangle-hold; if only enough Americans can grasp this satanism and how it's working--it isn't difficult.

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