Saturday, October 24, 2015

Sandy hoax conspiracy in large, cultural/social context pt.s up SATANISM....

Below-copied by ap first published at comments,

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Sandy Hoax Placed In Satanic, Criminal Perspective, Fullest CONTEXT For Culture, Society
(Apollonian, 24 Oct 15)

Thus Sandy hoax is examined in regard to various circumstances and details attached and included therewith, the inductive logic leading to conclusion of hoax, deliberate deception and fraud, and thus CONSPIRACY is fully grasped and justified.

"[W]hen you have eliminated the impossible, whatever remains, however improbable, must be the truth." -Sherlock Holmes (A.C. Doyle)

Further, note the element of financing for the Sandy hoax is truly prodigious, no expense was or even now, as the hoax continues, is spared.

To give yet further CONTEXT to Sandy hoax are the other fake shootings that have taken place and exposed, including the Charleston, SC supposed shooting of 9 church-goers, the infamous "Eliot Roger" shooting, among the many other frauds and media put-ons (a).

(b) These deliberate hoaxes and frauds then can additionally be grouped with yet other conspiracies, much more deadly, including 9/11, JFK, RFK, MLK assassinations, among others too.

(c) Further still, one must observe the largest context socially and culturally, and consider that criminal enterprise known as CENTRAL-BANKING, specifically then, the US Federal Reserve Bank, which is simply legalized COUNTERFEITING, which actually rules and controls the entire nation and culture, the US gov. completely under its control. See and for expo on US Fed and central banking.

Thus we find the continuing staging of these frauds and minor conspiracies all happening within a large context of fraud and criminal conspiracy, that of central banking, and we see the SIMILARITY of our present situation w. that of the original American founders, described in Jefferson's Dec. of Independence, when Jefferson described the King of G. Britain conspired w. the British Parliament against the colonies and citizens.

Striking differences btwn the two eras, of Jefferson's and our own, now, is (1) present establishment and corp. mass-media is fully-owned by the criminal powers and is being used against the people, UNLIKE in Jefferson's era.

(2) The religious practice of the people, Christianity, was much more effective HELP and AID to the people of Jefferson's time than establishment religion of present is for the benefit of people today.

(3) For today, there's distinct satanic element and EXTREME HUBRIS which didn't exist in Jefferson's day, satanism defined as extreme subjectivism whence one makes oneself God, the subject being creator of his/her own reality. And this satanism is something that is widely observed by numerous people for legal and political application and also in the entertainment field.

Hence the elaborate conspiracy of Sandy hoax is far more understandable in large CONTEXT of the heavily satanistic and criminal-dominated culture of the present day. Given the circumstances, Sandy hoax elaboration and production is quite understandable; MOTIVE and OPPORTUNITY are un-questionably present and demonstrable for such criminal hoax and fraud. Sandy hoax is something the top criminal masterminds WOULD seek to perpetrate--and it would be done in the way it was and is still being pushed.

Thus Sandy hoax and conspiracy is best understood IN CONTEXT, and it's a very daunting context--that of rampant satanism, the culture and nation literally in THRALL of criminals, that large criminal conspiracy being one of sublimity which is why/how it continues to succeed fueled by the typical hubris/madness which always goes along. For note, for example, the subject of money is abstract and not too easy for broad understanding. Many people then can't be saved, or cured, or "enlightened," but some surely can, and these are ones, especially the youth, who must be addressed.

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