Saturday, October 31, 2015

Moronic insistence on ignorance of Jews and satanism doesn't help anything....

Below-copied by ap first published at comments,

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Ignorance Is No Virtue
(Apollonian, 31 Oct 15)

See JR, u refuse to face-up to the Jew menace, for some reason. U imagine Jews are like any other "religion"--they're not--they're SUBJECTIVISTS--they're really satanists (extreme subjectivism) who make themselves, collectivistically, into God. See for expo on Talmud; also, see

Remember, subjectivism--esp. extreme subjectivism--is idea that reality is whatever u view it to be, get it? So thus we get SELECTIVE justice and prosecution--as hitlery Clinton, for example, gets away w. breaking the law, nothing happens. Same w. IRS, targeting T-party groups, refusing to follow law, bankers and large corp.s getting away w. gross fraud.

And esp. in the mass, popular entertainment u get this satanism--go to u-tube and type into search engine, "satanism in hip-hop music," or "satanism in entertainment," or "satanism in movies," and u'll come up w. THOUSANDS of vid selections.

And, to make a long story short, satanism, in immediate, practical terms, means horrific currency and economic -collapse coming soon, soon indeed. And naturally the economic turmoil will be complicated w. warfare and most probably more false-flags done here in Jew S A.

U're so amazingly and strangely out-to-lunch on this Jew issue, one must wonder. It is NOT NOT NOT a virtue to be sooooo ignorant, u know.

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