Friday, October 16, 2015

Fetzer's greatest failure of analysis for satanic consp.--the hierarchy of criminal consp., the Fed, central-bank fraud at apex....

Below-copied by ap first published at comments,

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Fetzer's Single Greatest Failure--Analysis Of Ultimate Criminal Enterprise, Central Banking
(Apollonian, 16 Oct 15)

What's Fetzer's single greatest failure for theorizing for the "truth" movement regarding 9/11, JFK, and Sandy hoax?--surely it's the large context of these specific conspiracies, this large context being that of central-banking as of US Federal Reserve Bank legalized COUNTERFEITING, thus controlling the very "monetary" (actually now, currency) system. See and for best expo on Fed fraud.

For folks, overall and in general, don't understand MONEY, what it is and must be, and why it must necessarily be commodity-based, thus gold/silver being best.

That's why the best and easiest thing to do, for "truth"-telling, is to move to an simple concept, that of the over-all satanism (extreme subjectivism) which then is psychologic/abstract circumstance for criminal activity in general, hence KEY Federal Reserve COUNTERFEIT-scam, then 9/11, JFK, etc.

Thus "ethics," in general, another abstract subject-matter is best understood in general cultural terms, ESPECIALLY in way of Christian culture vs. satanism--and this isn't really too difficult, but Fetzer is sadly incapable, as we see.

This Christian subject-matter is another failure of Fetzer's as he's too willing to write it off as mere "religion," not worthy of serious rationalist evaluation which Christianity is supposedly bereft of any genuine or serious cultural/philosophic value, substance, or meaning.

Thus as we understand philosophic enterprise is matter of setting general context for specific items and plotting the various relations, we see Fetzer's philosophic failure, for ethical and cultural analysis, contexts for the various conspiracies, and that key, master conspiracy of them all, central-banking.

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