Saturday, October 10, 2015

"Free inquiry"?--can't have that in satanist society which upholds subjectivism and "good"....

Below-copied by ap first published at comments,

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"Inquiry" (Reason), Truth Must Be Subordinate To "Good," Hence Subjectivism, Satanism, Obviously
(Apollonian, 10 Oct 15)

Well of course there are limits to inquiry, obviously. For ONLY in a rational society would inquiry be free as it needs to be in accord w. political and individual liberty.

And that's the whole pt., then, isn't it?--to uphold and maintain a satanistic criminal dictatorship, right? And the way to maintaining this satanism is consistent w. its basic principle, SUBJECTIVISM.

For only upon subjectivism is there such thing as otherwise non-existent "good," and "good" is the end-all and be-all, right?--at least it is for all "right-thinking" folks who believe in "good," even if it doesn't exist.

Thus we observe our present society is totally captive to, hostage of foremost criminal powers and master-minds, the central-bankers who run the various central banking (legalized COUNTERFEITING) institutions, US Federal Reserve Bank, IMF, B. of England, ECB, BIS, etc.

So NOTHING can be allowed to threaten these satanistic institutions founded upon false (subjectivist) principles, especially "good." Hence inquiry must be limited and closely watched-over--in interests of "good," of course.

Thus at any time, statements and action can and will be suppressed upon (subjectivist) premise of "good"--esp. "good" of topmost criminals and leadership (Jews, foremost satanists), so necessary for the subjectivistic society of "good."

So then, specifically, u can't say anything against Jews (foremost satanists and subjectivists) or their lies, as these are "noble" lies (like the holohoax) designed for non-existent "good," but at least for the "good" of topmost satanistic criminals, including Jews and their cohorts. See and for best Talmudic expo.

So u have two, opposed principles, (a) "Good," which exists only under subjectivism, best understood by Jews, who are Holy, or (b) TRUTH and hence free inquiry (freedom); u can't have both.

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