Monday, October 20, 2014

ZOG satanist cop shows u just what respect/regard he has for ur right to not be assaulted--his own "prerogative" to mace anyone he pleases....

Doubt satanic ZOG Is Out To Kill U?--HOW Stupid Can U Be?
(Apollonian, 20 Oct 14)

Ck this vid:  Vid shows thug-w.-a-badge calmly walking past, perfect picture of the psychopath, so cool, so emotion-less, then soooooooo cooly, but suddenly, turning and macing someone who's video-taping the cop as the cops are hard at work dealing w. the proles.  Reminded me of Clint Eastwood, so cooool he was, by golly, ho ho ho ho ho

Pt. is the absolute CONTEMPT of this piece-of-shit-w.-a-badge for the people and their rights--so cooly, calmly going about their business assaulting the citizens--just another day at work for the puke, u see.

Further pt. then is standing-orders, obviously, is that cops are supposed to doing this, harassing and assaulting of the citizens, thus demonstrating the attitude of ZOG for the citizens and their rights--get it?--it's un-mistakable, and u'd have to be a moron not to get it.

As Alex Jones ( pt.s out, it's not like the cops will be any better treated by ZOG when the economic crunch comes, US Dollar collapsing even as we speak--they'll lose their pensions and have difficulty feeding their families no less, or not much less than everyone else, don't doubt.

This--in the vid, about the pig-w.-a-badge, is REASON FOR 2ND AMENDMENT, never doubt.

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