Friday, October 31, 2014

Never doubt--this is LITERAL truth: Judaism IS satanism, must be TOTALLY ERADICATED--to save humanity....

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Judaism Is satanism, Must, Will Be Eradicated
(Apollonian, 31 Oct 14)

(a) Jews are Talmudists, by definition--or racially related thereto.

(b) Talmud is LITERALLY a manual for warfare against humanity--see and

(c) Talmud teaches it's ok to lie to and murder gentiles--LITERALLY.  According to Talmud, God not only condones murder and enslavement of gentiles, God COMMANDS it.

(d) But more: Talmud teaches reality is WHATEVER the rabbis say it is (subjectivism)--that the word of God, for example, fm Torah, is to be "INTERPRETED" by Talmud, first through Mishnah (1st part), then this Mishnah interpretation by means of Gemara (2nd main part of Talmud) interpretation--the interpretation of the interpretation, I kid u not.  Torah word of God then means whatever Jews want it to mean, period, literally.

(e) And Talmud teaches that Christ and Christians are especial enemies of Jews, that they're "idolators" who should be killed, and that Christ was righteously killed/executed for blasphemy and heresy, and that, further, Christ's mother was prostitute.

(f) Thus Talmudism IS SATANISM, literally, Jews made to be God and/or co-equal w. God, Jews the reason God exists, God the slave, attack-dog, and assassin of Jews--as at "Passover" event, celebrated as Holy day.  Another bloody Holy Day for Jews, celebrating murder, is Purim, killing of thousands of Persians, fm Book of Esther.

(g) Hence it is Jews have ALWAYS been foremost CRIMINALS WITHIN ANY SOCIETY, beginning w. "central-banking" fraud of legalized COUNTERFEITING, and then all other criminal activities, prostitution, Murder Incorporated, etc.

(h) Thus Jews are rightfully hated by all mankind, all races, all throughout history, kicked-out/expelled fm practically every nation, numerous times, and Jews are only ever tolerated by corrupt proto-satanist empires in Spenglerian "decline" which bring Jews in for their streamlined criminal organization, esp. in way of banking, the Roman empire and present-day British and US empires most prominent examples.

(i) Hence Jews must be treated as criminals and psychopaths they are by their very religion, and Judaism must be exterminated, obviously, the obligation of all/any civilized, rational culture, society, and humanity.  Q.E.D.

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