Sunday, October 5, 2014

Kike, satanic psychopathology and method thereto is herein PERFECTLY demonstrated: truth and reality is established by means of insisting and repeating, seriously--this is how this puke "thinks," ho ho ho ho ho....

Below-copied dialogue and texts first published at comments,

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Here below-copied, by "one-born-brainless" is PERFECT picture of satanic psychopathology, purest subjectivism, the satanist kike insisting and repeating, pretending this insisting and repeating actually creates reality, making it true--"faith," according to the kike, which, unfortunately, is taken-up and adopted by so many putative "Christians" of today.

Thus first we see the kike stating his "thesis":

Anonymous said :"Well, if I'm not mistaken, Einstein was a Jew so his theories must be total rubbish. After all, they were put forth by a *Jew* so they cannot be true! If a non-Jew put them forth, they would be correct though."

Exactly. No need to try to disprove Einstein via an alternative physics theory/explanation, or via pure math, or whatever [after all, that would take brains and forethought, and therefor time] - according to the anti-semite er.. "logic" Einstein _"must"_ be wrong simply because he was a Jew!

And on the other hand, if , as you say, he'd been non-jewish, his theories would have automatically been correct, presumably! :-)

But as I said before, what else would you expect from persons who [just like Hitler] claim to love the jew Christ, plus the jew Moses, plus the 12 jewish apostles, and yet to hate all other jews at the exact same time?

You ain't gonna get logical consistency from them, that's for sure- however, you are guaranteed a good laugh [or cry?].

Regards, onebornfree

-------------------------------------apster replies below------------------------------------

Lying Jews Are Also Quite Stupid & Ignorant, Never Doubt
(Apollonian, 4 Oct 14)

It's difficult for cause of truth or logic when one who upholds them is substantially censored.  [Scum moron web-master of the blog deleted a mass of apster's comments on this blog.]

But here, just above, we have the typical kike, "one-born-brainless," quoting another of his buddy kikes (in all probability, given the inductive evidence), utterly ignorant of logic, pretending, like typical stupid Jew, he knows all about it, and then, additionally, lying, as usual for Jews, on top of it all.

But note, given what we KNOW for certain about kikes, that they're Talmudists (see and for Talmudic expo), by definition, hence psychopathic, murdering, lying, satanic monsters, this all confirmed in hist., this is good INDUCTIVE premise by which to discount the lies of these liars, etc., called "Jews."

This gross, crass ignorance by these kikes then is augmented, we see by further (typical) lies, explicit and imputed--e.g., that if non-kike puts it forth then it's automatically true, and that Christ, Moses, et al., are "Jews."

Sure, perhaps a Jew might actually speak a truth once, but note it's only part of a larger lie--see Gosp. JOHN 8:44.

Kikes are sooooooooo "shocked," ho ho ho ho when they see their Talmudic war against truth, Christ, humanity, objective reality, reason, and logic forthrightly opposed by steadfast Christian soldier, like apster, ho ho ho ho


So now, how does the kike respond?--observe and feast ur eyes:

Song For Hitler - who apparently regarded himself and the Nazi party as Christian :-) :

Moses was a jew
Moses was a jew
Ho, ho, ho, ho,
Moses was a jew

The apostles were all jews,
Apostles were all jews,
Ho, ho ,ho, ho,
The apostles were all jews,

Jesus was a jew
Jesus was a jew
Ho, ho, ho, ho,
Jesus was a jew

[all together now]:

Jesus was a jew,
Jesus was a jew
............[and so on and so forth]

Regards, onebornfree.

--------------------------------------------ap responded below--------------------------------

Kike Psychopathology Demonstrated To Perfection
(Apollonian, 5 Oct 14)

This is absolutely PERFECT picture (above) of kike psychopathology--these monstrosities seriously believe if they say so, if they just insist and repeat enough--even putting it to music, ho hoh oho--SUDDENLY it becomes true--because, again, these psychopaths insist.

And unfortunately, too many Christians have actually taken-up this sort of psychotic "philosophy"--"it's true, because we say so," ho hoho hohoh oh, pretending and insisting this is virtue of "faith," ho ho ho ho ho

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