Monday, October 20, 2014

satanist ZOG demanding Christians worship satanism--to marry queers, or go to jail--we need REVOLUTION, prepared by preaching the REAL Christianity, hence anti-semitism, never doubt....

satanic Queers Demand Christians Must Marry Them--OR GO TO JAIL
(Apollonian, 20 Oct 14)

Ck  Queers and gov. city Officials from Coeur d’Alene, Idaho have now told a couple of ministers they must marry the queers or face jail and/or fines.

Is there something missing here?--like simple thing like 1st amendment, freedom of religion?--aside fm any other freedom of choice, i.e., freedom of ministers to turn the queers down for their request.

So now we're all slaves to the queers, eh?--isn't it lovely?

And observe satanic city officials, not to mention courts, are all for the queers--that's where the money is, eh?  Ho ho ho

U thought this was Christian country?--guess again, morons.  See, Jews and satanists have affected things to extent establishment Christian puke now imagine and insist Holy Spirit has nothing to do w. REASON, logic, etc.  But how else do humans grasp truth, but by means of reason, logic, science?

But REAL Christianity necessarily entails reason, logic, science as integral part of Holy Spirit--by which to grasp truth = Christ, the ONLY way to Godly happiness (Gosp. JOHN 14:6)--against Jew lies (JOHN 8:44).

Thus u begin to see--satanism has much taken control of establishment Christianity and nominal "Christians," making them such pathetic slaves now to such putrid scum as queers rubbing their noses in the filth, as we see.

Oh Lord, but how I pray for necessary collapse of US Dollar, this the only remaining strength of ZOG by which they enforce this Satanism--collapse of Dollar and economy, horrific as it will be, seems to be our only possible salvation, eh?--that's why we must be active as rationalists and Christians, preparing.

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