Thursday, October 16, 2014

Gad, but does it take rocket-science to figure it out what to do now in face of Obongo's idiot order?--just flat-out REFUSE....

Just Flat-Out Refuse Obongo's Idiot, Un-Constitutional Orders--Simple, Eh?
(Apollonian, 16 Oct 14)

Ck  In this story by Nimmo, it's explained Obongo is going to order National Guard troops to ebola-ravaged Africa, and that it's un-questionably un-constitutional.

So what--WTF--to do?--isn't it obvious?  Congress isn't going to help--they're all paid-off, the scummy filth.

The thing to do is for the troops to refuse to go--OBVIOUSLY.  Now will these dumb bastards figure it out?

Years and centuries ago, people weren't nearly as technically competent, on average, as people of today.  But does it mean people of today are smarter?--ho ho ho ho ho.  No, the people of early America were much, much smarter than these dumb, brainless scum of today.

Note how people wonder--what to do to defeat ZOG--well, here's EASY solution--REFUSE TO GO AND SERVE, regarding the Nat. Guardsmen being un-Constitutionally ordered--is this really rocket-science?  And just think, it would only take simple effort to just not budge--it would put great pressure on Obongo, ho ho ho ho.

Imagine all the stupid puke babbling and jabbering about "nullification" and states-rights (not that these aren't excellent concepts)--but here's even simpler solution.

But I guess it's tooooooo simple to figure-out, eh?

See, at a certain pt., if u just INSIST upon being soooooooooooooo goddam stupid, well, u deserve to die, eh?--that's exactly what's happening to Jew S A, comrades.

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