Monday, October 27, 2014

Satanists Will NOT NOT NOT be deterred or denied--esp. by scum public, ho ho ho....

satanist Obola Is Gonna Legalize Illegal Invaders, And There's Nothing U Morons Of Public Can Or Will Do About It, Suckas
(Apollonian, 27 Oct 14)

Ck  Janet Napolitano says it's "appropriate" to satanistically and of course illegally, un-constitutionally, legalize the invaders ("immigrants"), replete w. all the neato diseases they bring, not to mention the criminals among them who will be released into the population.

And she's right, isn't she?--it certainly IS "appropriate," given precedents and the training the dumbshits of Jew S A have been subjected to--we're supposed to submit to this--and it will fly, won't it?--Absolutely it will--HOW do u know?--simple, US Dollar is still up there, still world "reserve currency," and as long as Dollar remains, backed-up by US military force intimidating everyone else fm moving away fm Dollar, it will finance more football games on TV, continued welfare payments--and the scum and puke of people in Jew S A will remain fat and happy--at least, satisfied--at same time as INTIMIDATED, though the stupid puke won't admit it.

Another thing: up-coming elections--think satanists will lose any seats in Congress?--heck no--why?--because they got the "electronic-voting" which will keep them in office, don't doubt--EVEN if Dems lose control of Senate.

Ah well, note NOTHING will change until Dollar collapses, and ONLY THEN.  But meantime Christian soldiers and patriots MUST keep working, preaching that REAL Christianity, anti-semitism, Christian truth vs. Jew lies (see Gosp. JOHN 14:6 and 8:44).  And then, as things really start to crumble and collapse--we enact NULLIFICATION and SECESSION fm this satanic, filthy empire, making use of REAL MONEY, like gold/silver.

And don't forget the diff. btwn REAL Christianity and satanic "Judeo-Christianity" (JC--see and for expo on JCs).  For real Christianity, human reason, logic, science, etc., are integral parts of Holy Spirit by which we grasp that precious TRUTH (= Christ), only way to Godly happiness, truth not possible without that necessary criterion of objective (God-created) reality.

Hence then "faith" for the real Christian is simply LOYALTY--NOT NOT NOT "believing" stupid crap which offends reason and logic--which is necessary to Jew lies whence anything is true long as it serves Jews' (but really top rabbis') interests--to kikes, u just gotta "believe" in lies--which then makes it true, u see.

Because for kikes there IS NO objective reality--it's SUBJECTIVE--and reality then is simply what u want it to be--this is their version of "faith"--"believing"--and thus it is for the JCs, too.

That's how then, satanic JCs say Bible is literally the "word of God," as if God actually wrote it all himself, ho ho ho ho ho ho.  Then this JC puke pt.s to Book of Revelations, insisting we have to see to institution of Israel, etc.

Thus u see, kikes CANNOT work without their JC suckalongs running interference for them, setting things up, prepping the minds of the weak--which is MOST people, who need leadership, u see.

So u see: JCs are the weak-pt. for kikes and ZOG--and they're extremely vulnerable to REAL Christians preaching the truth--if we only exert ourselves, comrades--aside fm practical, afore-mentioned nullification and secession instruments.

Thus as things get worse, US Dollar continuing to collapse, the people in the middle btwn the two poles, Christian and Jew, weak and dependent upon leadership, will see evermore how they're being led over the cliff by satanists--and will be more willing to listen to true Christians, Christianity, and truth.

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