Thursday, October 30, 2014

satanism evermore in people's face--esp. in the music videos for youth--but at least it's observed, noted, and analyzed--contrasted w. Christian TRUTH....

satanists Now Going Main-Stream, Suckas--In-Ur-Face--Had To Happen, Eh? Ho Ho Ho
(Apollonian, 30 Oct 14)

Ck outstanding vids on U-tube now up by Mark Dice, at  Dice has a couple in a row here about that satanism evermore pushed in-ur-face, by golly, these latest aside fm the many he's produced in the recent past, too.  Dice has also written some books on the subject, including the secret societies.

This expanded coverage of the satanist subject-matter is most interesting and prospective, evermore things out in the open so that even the dim-wits having to take notice, eh?

And ONLY Christian truth, as of Gosp. JOHN, has serious possibility for successfully opposing these Jewwy satanists, never doubt.

And Dice isn't the only prominent U-tuber (relatively) who has material on the satanists, ck also the work of RedPillRevolution, White Rabbit Channel, The Vigilant Christian, and KJ Ozborne--they all have significant material on the satanism evermore in "face" of the public.

So the great thing is lots and lots of our good people are made aware of explicit anti-Christ satanism expressed in the music videos, in attempts to make such satanism fashionable among the impressionable youth.

Remember the WHOLE PT. to satanism is that same old HUBRIS (ck wiki) of Pharisaist (Jew) "good-evil" and subjectivism whence one makes oneself God, pretending one is "good," whereas others aren't.

Christian truth, on other hand, emphasizes TRUTH TRUTH TRUTH, hence (Aristotelian) objectivity and determinism (absolute cause-effect) whence things happen as they must, there being no "good-evil," only honest heeding of reality and rationalism, vs. INSANITY.

And of course, there are the Jewwy, so-called "Christians" (like the "Judeo-Christians," "JCs," see and for best expo) as of present establishment, who take-up the Jews' "good-evil"--that heresy known as Pelagianism (again, ck Wiki for good exposition, also St. Augustine, first expositionist thereupon).

And again, note Christian truth necessarily emphasizes and implies the OBJECTIVE reality, God-given or -created, according to Christians, the basis of such truth, providing verifiable criterion/premise--OPPOSED to the subjectivist version whence ANYTHING GOES, reality being whatever u want it to be, Jews holding even the original Word of God fm Moses is subject to rabbinic "interpretation" according to their Talmud and "Oral Law"--all this for purpose of defining what's "good for Jews," always turning-out to being what's good for the topmost masterminds, the heck w. the people.  For best expo on Talmud see and

Immediate significance of this Jew vs. Christian has to do w. subsequent confusion of the meaning of "faith"--which for Jew means "believing," even when it's a lie, but for proper Christian only means LOYALTY, given first one's rational/intellectual understanding of the truth as it conforms to reality--NOT to one's own whim or authority of some "rabbi."

Thus for the Christian, unlike the Jew, "faith" doesn't make something true--only truth and reality makes anything then worthy of LOYALTY, that's all.

The tragedy is that present JCs of today have taken-up the Jew version/concept of "faith," whence whatever u want to be true is true merely by having this idiot, hubristic "faith" of "believing"--as if there's only the subjectivist world of what u want to exist, dependent only upon ur own wishful thinking, NOT the objective reality created by God, regardless of one's wishes and whims.

Un-fortunately, the would-be expositors of satanism, too many of them, anyway, make it out to being something more complex--esp. in way of numerology, which is just diversionary, irrelevant non-sense, the basic thing for satanism being that hubris of subjectivism, one making oneself God, as by means of "believing," therefore that "believing" making it being true, as if one were God.

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