Saturday, October 18, 2014

satanist ZOG child molesters make 5 yr old "sign contract"--ZOG desperately needs dealing-with....

Satanic ZOG Child Molesters Working Now On 5 Yr Olds
(Apollonian, 18 Oct 14)

Ck  "A Kindergartner in Mobile, Alabama was forced to sign a contract by school officials saying that she would not try to harm other people or commit suicide after she drew something that resembled a gun using a crayon."

This is what it's come to, among all the other crap, molesting and bullying little 5 yr olds--who (just read the story) don't even know what the words mean that were used in the contract she was forced to sign.

Imagine the parents being forced to put-up w. this, having their little child bullied by this ZOG filth.

Pay-backs--they're gonna be tough for some people--and these "pay-backs" MUST HAPPEN, and that's the problem--HOW to bring it all about.  Key concepts then to remember are states-rights, nullification, secession, etc.--emphasis on primacy of LOCAL GOV., necessity of all citizens being well-armed, basic, simple stuff.

And then basic to everything must be the REAL Christianity--removing satanism, hence Jews, and thus the queers, but MOST of all, these puke "Judeo-Christian" (JC--see and for best expo on JCs) scum--JCs are really key to ZOG, along w. the continuing strength of US Dollar, though Dollar is doomed.

And note ZOG has plans for dollar/economic collapse, so it's imperative for u and us to be working on that JC problem, which only requires rational Christianity, Christ = truth, hence objective reality, etc., as I've noted.

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