Monday, March 25, 2019

Sabrosky is utterly irrelevant, saying nothing substantially new, typical, pretended "good" kike....

Below-copied by ap submitted, but CENSORED/deleted by kike, Unz, at comments,

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Sabrosky Is Irrelevant To Satanic Society In CYCLIC "Decline Of West"
(Apollonian, 25 Mar 19)

What?--so now Israel did 9/11?--well, golly, but doesn't everyone w. half a brain already know that?--after all, we have Chris Bollyn's works (see, and who was in charge of the sweet deals for the 9/11 bldgs. (which were condemned prop. due to asbestos and galvanic corrosion) but "lucky Larry" Silverstein who fronted 14 million to then leverage the rest to buying the bldgs., this fm his buddy Jews in charge of the Port Authority, etc.

Then there were the Jews in charge of investigation, litigation, in charge of the airport security, watching the Arabs, the TV and journalistic coverage and reporting, etc.--Jews everywhere. So step-by-step, the goons and over-populated, TV-addicted morons of Jew S A were led to overlook the Jews and--what?--blame the Arabs and muzzies, as of Afgan--after all, the Jews and TV told us the muzzies were to blame, eh?--shazam.

But there's something else, underlying, which allows and enables the Jews to rule and dominate, and that's the criminal financial tools and instruments made possible by the central-bank (see; use their site search-engine), literally legalized counterfeiting, a gross criminal enterprise, which pumps out nearly INFINITE fiat-currency, not real money, which real money is necessarily FINITE.

Unfortunately the over-populated morons prefer INFINITE fiat-currency, the stupid scum pretending it's a better deal, when actually the infinite currency allows the top criminals to steadily drain the economy and suckers of everything, literally, they own.

Thus the central-bank criminal enterprise is a MONOPOLY which funds and lays basis for the all the rest of the monopolist complex, Jews-media, Big-Jew Pharma (which poisons the people), Big Tech, now censoring and suppressing freedom of speech, etc.

So things just HAVE to keep getting worse till the morons seriously start to die-out and the survivors get smart enough to see it isn't only Jews and their Satanist cohorts, but the central-bank instrument which gives them their overwhelming power.

Regarding Sabrosky: he's utterly, totally irrelevant to the real problems of this horrific satanic empire that's grown-up, Satanism being extreme subjectivism by which reality is held to be product of mind/consciousness, making the subject God, the creator--Satanism, by definition. And it's not accident the central-bank criminal enterprise is KEY to this satanic society which is latest stage of CYCLIC "Decline of the West," by Oswald Spengler.

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