Saturday, March 9, 2019

Psycho kike pipes up, ranting and railing, but only illustrates argument of his opponent, ho ho ho ho....

Below-copied by ap submitted at comments,

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Doesn't The Psycho Jew Rather Demonstrate Atzmon's Arguments Actually Quite Well And Brilliantly, In Its Way?
(Apollonian, 9 Mar 19)

Gosh "Fran," but judging by thy writing, it seems thou are quite psycho, though I admit thou still seems to retain some bit of coherence, somewhat, though thou are un-questionably absolute, raging schizoid--I notice lots of Jews are like that--psycho, schizoid. But the typical Jew collectivistic "group-think" is still effective for some of the Jews at the top of the social groups they form taking advantage and making use of losers and psychos like thyself, eh?

I thought the war of 1860s in America WAS indeed about Federal supremacy over and against the states-rights principle, and indubitably, no less than the original Const. itself (like especially the 10th Amendment), these upheld by heroic south--wasn't that Fed supremacy what Lincoln always cited?--same as the other northern leaders? Thou says thou studied hist., so tell us what thou think--about Fed vs. states-rights and what were the real motivations for northern mass-murder of the southern folk--including the deaths of about a million blacks.

Regarding Maimonides, it seems his "Guide..." was NOT primarily historical, but made selective use of hist. explanations: <blockquote>"Maimonides strove to reconcile Aristotelian philosophy and science with the teachings of the Torah.[59] In his Guide for the Perplexed, he often explains the function and purpose of the statutory provisions contained in the Torah against the backdrop of the historical conditions."; also</blockquote>

Thy last two paragraphs of post # 47 don't really seem to make any sense, not leading to any real conclusion. So it would seem thou does a lot of bitter ranting and railing in some kind of protest against Atzmon, whom thou says is "morally bankrupt," while thou are horribly bankrupt of logic and rationality.

Perhaps thou are the very sort of Jew, so disconnected fm reality as thou plainly are, that Atzmon is talking about, making the typical schizoid errors of logic, babbling and ranting without thinking through thy attempted arguments, ending w. the usual empty pretension to moralism and virtue-signaling, eh?--do thou think?

--------------------above by ap in response to below-copied----------------

# 47, Fran Taubman says:
March 9, 2019 at 3:15 am GMT • 600 Words

Israeli academics admit that Jewish culture is an ahistorical adventure. Shlomo Sand reveals that in between Josephus Flavius (70 BC) and David Gans (16th century),), Jews didn’t write any significant historical texts.

Huh what about Maimonides: The Guide To The Perplexed,a 1190 AD.?
Spinoza 1633.

"Israel’s record of war crimes and its racist attitudes have no precedent. The Jewish state is institutionally brutal, discriminatory and racist towards the indigenous people of the land and towards African immigrants. Jewish institutions around the word reflect the same attitudes."

This is so false as to be ignorant and stupid. You are joking right? No precedent??? C’mon Mr. Atzmon, when Pakistan was created trains full of dead Muslims. Myanmar?? China?? Tibet?? The Kurds?? and who killed all of those Syrians??Hmm gas attacks in the ME. I dunno North Korea seems a little dark, cruel and brutal, North Koreans actually way less than Koreans in the South they are so undernourished.

"Jewish bodies are increasingly acting as if blind to their past: to that which brought disasters on Jews throughout their history. Jewish institutions arrogantly harass American, British and French artists, politicians and national political parties. The obscene hubris of the Zionist league far exceeds anything in the Jewish past including the Bible. We see Jewish Zionist groups persistently tormenting political bodies."

I get it it so simple, so linear, what a formula you figured out. You should try finding the universal theory in Physics, so mathematical your logic. So the Jews bring it on with their choosiness their superiority pisses people off, they look different smell different, and it drives people to want to kill them, their eternal victimization and disasters, they create chaos in the world, and drive people to murder, then they feel guilty and have to put up museums, because the Jews make such a big deal about it.

Maybe its an idea worth exploring, then again maybe not. Studying history myself I have concluded the opposite of your formulaic certainty as to why things happen. For me nothing is linear or logical, rather history is completely inexplicable, illogical and irrational. How did first world war start, with that misunderstanding? I am still vexed by why the Germans did not finish off the entire British Army at Dunkirk. Why? It would have all been over. The most unbelievable (you being a foreigner may not be familiar with); is how the South lost the civil war, they were better equipped, had more cohesion and an ideology they all were passionate about. The soldiers of the north were just a bunch of mutts, they did not even know where Georgia was. If you study the defining battle of Gettysburg, which went on for four days, ended up with the North wining. The battle came down to a few guys standing on a small hill beating back the favored army of Lee with bayonets.The south thought they would be in Washington by evening. These are guys fought hand to hand stalling the advancement until yes the cavalry came, by chance. Inexplicable.

And you have figured it all out, rather you and Heidegger that the Jews bring it all on themselves, and to add insult to injury just can’t learn their lessons and dang they are just pissing people off again with their supremacy, choosiness racist religion or tribe or whatever, and are on their way to another well you know, disaster.

The south had fashionable brilliant uniforms and names like Beauregard, real goyim. People hated them for their style and arrogance. The north could not even tie their shoes. Do you think the South brought on their own defeat with their choosiness (thats how they defined themselves) . Ah careful not a Jew in site.

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