Tuesday, March 5, 2019

Racism: indicates determinist nature, defined as pride, loyalty for people, ancestors, culture....

Below-copied by ap submitted at comments, http://www.unz.com/gdurocher/hbd-in-the-ancient-world/#comment-3076375

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Race And Racism Are Simple Concepts, Following INDUCTIVE Logic
(Apollonian, 5 Mar 19)

Moron says: <blockquote>"But the truth is that the European ‘racism’ stems from the political thinking of the French Comte Henri de Boulainvilliers (1658-1722),...."</blockquote> How dumb can one get?

"Racism" (just ck any dictionary, fool) is simply LOYALTY to and pride in people, ancestors, culture, pure and simple--it's great VIRTUE which the thou-know-whos want to discourage for the usual and obvious reasons, eh?--and that's just on the surface level. And all people of all races have always been RACIST, sports-fans. Only the stupidest scum (like "liberals") are NOT "racist." De Boulainvilliers merely gives, at most, one nuanced-version of such racial philosophy.

FURTHER, racial attributions simply follow fm philosophic metaphysics of DETERMINISM (absolute cause-effect; NO perfectly "free" will). So if one is black, chances are he can jump and stuff basket-balls, even if they can't do much else--and that's when they're young--mere conclusion of (a) observation and (b) INDUCTIVE logic, suckas. For when blacks get above 40 yrs old, they start breaking down, physically, at quite fast rate--due to high blood-pressure, evidently (just going by the evidence, sports-fans).

Jews, w. their hook-noses, can talk a mile a minute, eh?--ho ho ho ho ho--and they only start slowing-down when one catches them in their lies, and they have to do more off-cuff thinking, ho ho ho ho ho. Such are the necessary implications of simple philosophy of DETERMINISM, which actually is the ESSENCE of science (cause-effect). Race itself doesn't necessarily CAUSE the following consequences, it's actually, probably mere indicator, one of the consequences of whatever is more prior source of racial (and other) cause.

Europeans, being science-oriented, simply elaborated numerous amazing theories regarding race, but the basic thing is determinism, including such as loyalty and pride, which is known to all races of all peoples, all throughout hist. Q.E.D.

---------------------above by ap in response to below-copied--------------------

# 143, Seraphim says:
March 5, 2019 at 9:39 am GMT • 400 Words

You cannot really not smile at the frequency of the ‘aristocracy’, ‘aristocratic freedom’, ‘aristocratic lifestyle’ labels applied to the virile, martial Indo-Europeans ‘Whites’ tempered in the frozen waters of the North. It may be just the sub-conscious desire of our own vanity to look ‘noble’ and ‘good (aristos), the secret desire for decorations, titles, and the goodies attached to them.

But the truth is that the European ‘racism’ stems from the political thinking of the French Comte Henri de Boulainvilliers (1658-1722), scion of an impoverished family of the petty nobility, but with great pretensions, a dilettante philosopher, acerbic critic of the absolutism of the French Monarchy and extravagant admirer of the feudal system of the ancient ‘noblesse’ de France whose ‘decadence’ he deplored, decadence attributed to the promotion by the Kings to the ranks of aristocracy of the ‘ignobiles’ recruited from the lower ranks of society and which ‘diluted’ the original aristocracy..

He ascribed the origin of the French ‘noblesse’ to the Germanic Franks conquerors of Gaule at the ‘fall of the Roman Empire’ and the origin of the ‘Tiers Etat’, to the subjugated populace to the ‘Gaulois’ and Romans. In Boulanvilliers system the Frankish aristocracy enslaved the Gauls by innate right of conquest, which even if morally injust has created right, which acquired the force of as ‘natural law’! Of course, the myth of the conquest of the decadent Rome by the martial Germanic warriors was debunked in his own time, but it is still religiously .

He was suspected by his contemporaries to be a Spinozist and secret atheist. He was an admirer of Mahomed, but nevertheless he did not even hint at ‘paganism’.

Despite all his scathing contempt for the ‘new nobility’ raised by Louis XIV, he married his daughter to the son of the recently ennobled Jewish financier of Louis XIV and Louis XV, Samuel Bernard, the richest man of his time (enriched mostly through the Slave trade). Bernard married all his children into the French aristocracy. The Marquis Anne Gabriel de Boulanvilliers, the grandson of Samuel Bernard and Henri de Boulainvilliers remains in France at the Revolution and swear the oath for ‘liberte et egalite’ and miraculously escape the guillotine during the Terreur. His domain, the Chateau de Passy or de Boulainvillires, remained untouched by the Revolution.

-------------"Seraphim" responded to mine, above, his below-copied------------

# 177, Seraphim says:
March 6, 2019 at 4:41 am GMT • 200 Words

Too many ‘eh?’, ‘ho ho ho ho ho’, to make a serious discussion. You should have read the whole post.

I couldn’t find any definition of racism as ‘loyalty and pride in people…’ in any dictionary.

E.g. “The Oxford English Dictionary (2008) simply defines racialism as “[a]n earlier term than racism, but now largely superseded by it”, and cites it in a 1902 quote. The revised Oxford English Dictionary cites the shortened term “racism” in a quote from the following year, 1903. It was first defined by the Oxford English Dictionary (2nd edition, 1989) as “[t]he theory that distinctive human characteristics and abilities are determined by race”; the same dictionary termed racism a synonym of racialism: “belief in the superiority of a particular race”.

Wikipedia “Racism is the belief in the superiority of one race over another, which often results in discrimination and prejudice towards people based on their race or ethnicity”.

That was exactly what Boulainvilliers was asserting: the superiority of the Germanic Franks over the Gallo-Romans, which justified the monopoly of power of the Frankish ‘aristocracy’ as the result of a ‘natural law’. Determinism.
• Disagree: apollonian

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