Wednesday, February 13, 2019

Many pieces are in place for the necessary anti-satanic revolution--only one more thing is needed for personal spirit--that Christian inspiration....

Below-copied by ap submitted, but CENSORED/deleted by kike, Unz, at comments,

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Simple CYCLIC Theory Of History Is Most Integral, Most Solidly Founded In Reality
(Apollonian, 13 Feb 19)

The problem w. Dutton and Woodley, to judge fm F. Roger Devlin, is they violate "Occam's razor" (economy and simplicity) w. lots of blather and details, but it's at least good they finally, somehow, hit upon the CYCLIC theory of history, which itself strongly implies a metaphysical determinism, absolute cause-effect, following fm Aristotelian OBJECTIVITY. Oswald Spengler does well for his description in "Decline of the West."

And this CYCLIC theory can be easily observed fm the Roman and American examples, the successful, victorious, and prosperous people arising fm objective-oriented folk, honest, patriotic, etc., like the original Romans and Americans, agriculturally competent and productive, first and most of all.

But eventually, the culture in all it's success sprouts the seeds of decay and corruption in that dread general HUBRIS, the following generations taking their success for granted, losing their basic honesty, pretending to Godliness and evermore pretended freedom of will, adopting now a pretended moralism, especially in way of non-existent "good-evil" which develops into the present putrid virtue-signaling as we see, the pretended moralism now used as excuses and pretexts for exerting monopolistic control and oppression, for example, in way of violations of civil rights and freedom of speech and expression as by the monopolist, corporate "tech" social-media companies, Google, Facebook, and YouTube.

Thus the original objective and determinist orientation of the culture is evermore lost and even the legal system becomes corrupted by means of SUBJECTIVISM, that subjectivism now degenerating into outright Satanism, the idea reality is product of mentality/consciousness, making the subject God, the creator--Satanism, by definition, the society evermore affected by this grim, horrific Satanism, for example in present guise of Agenda-21 and -2030 GENOCIDE program and policy of world dictatorship.

Under the reign of such hubris, subjectivism and general corruption, the society inevitably breaks-down--as happened in USA in the 1860s, the Constitutional contract among the states destroyed, a new monolithic, centralized, statist element taking over. But observe in case of USA, even though the Constitutional contract was destroyed, yet the economic engine continued as if by its own inertia and self-generated energy--but which is now gone, w. demise of US industry, having so much been sold-off.

Presently then, the great problem is the satanic (subjectivist) empire, the "New world order" (NWO), which oppresses all people--how can it be successfully opposed? And we see FIRST, people have to take due notice there's problem--specifically Satanism/subjectivism. And the way to oppose this satanic empire is surely like way original American patriots did by means of Constitutional contract, states-rights, NULLIFICATION of un-just, un-Constitutional laws, and secession--INDEPENDENCE. See

And though Donald Trump is extremely compromised character, he at least has done a great deal of the job by identifying the "globalist" problem, endorsing NATIONALISM, and the logical consequence of that dichotomy and anti-theses brings us back to independence and sovereignty of the states, which effort of 1860s might have failed, momentarily, but which is far fm extinguished in the minds of humanity for basic principles.

The only slight thing which now remains is rising of that personal spirit which very much revived the ancient Roman empire of the time in early 4th cent. under heroic St. Constantine the Great--it will happen again, but first there's a period of difficulty, travail, and TRIBULATION which must happen, necessary to provide sufficient basis of revolutionary inspiration, the people now again UNITED not only for philosophy, but also in that deeper spirit and sentiment. Amen.

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