Monday, February 18, 2019

Another kike pretends only kikes unnastan' the Talmud, but it only takes honesty to grasp the truth....

Below-copied by ap submitted, but CENSORED/deleted by kike, Unz, at comments,

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Gentiles Know What We Need To Know--By Simple Means Of Christian (And Human) HONESTY
(Apollonian, 18 Feb 19)

Jew: note there are some things which studious gentiles can say by way of analysis of thy filthy, stinking, satanic Talmud. And don't forget God the Son, Jesus Christ, foremost anti-Semite, told thou scum exactly what thou are, as in Gosp. MATT, chapt 23--thou are "serpents and vipers," pure and simple. In Gosp. JOHN 8:44, Christ called thou "...sons of thy father, the devil, a murderer fm the beginning, and his work ye will do." See,, and for best Talmudica expo.

Thy filthy Talmud teaches thou it's okay to murder and steal, long as it doesn't affect Jews, and thy "Kol Nidre" prayer absolves thou psychopaths for lying beforehand, doesn't it? So it's simply the obvious fact that Talmud exhorts the general WAR AGAINST GENTILES; thus it (Talmud) excuses and even glorifies Jew criminality and criminal conduct within gentile society.

And further, Christ totally repudiated thy filthy "Oral Law Tradition" and "midrash" (interpretation), upholding instead the original Torah law of Moses. So we gentiles at least KNOW what God the Son thought and said about thy filthy Talmud, and thou filthy Talmudic monsters.

Further, and most to the pt., we know and understand Talmud teaches the "midrash," by which thou filthy liars and psychopaths hold the Torah only means what Talmud and midrash says it means--thou preach a general SUBJECTIVISM--reality itself, no less than Torah, is mere product of mind/consciousness, making the subject effectively to be God, the creator--Satanism, by definition.

Thus Talmud is actually just Satanism, and Jews are simply Satanists, practicing a COLLECTIVE sort of subjectivism/Satanism, led by thy rabbis in "group-think," and God is merely thy slave and servant, even killing gentiles for thou psychopathic filth, which thou celebrates at Passover and Purim.

So thou see, Jew, we gentiles know and understand EVERYTHING we need to know about thou and thy filthy, satanic Talmud and midrash, and thou scummy, murdering monsters are going to receive proper justice, never doubt, sucker.

--------------------above by ap in response to below-copied------------------

# 561, Anonymous[159] • Disclaimer says:
February 19, 2019 at 1:24 am GMT • 400 Words

A little loath to get into this with you but specifically the below statement from you is a pack of lies.

Does Jewish ethnic-supremacist doctrine, which is not shared by other nations, morally invalidate Jewish claims to land if someone else occupies it? Based on the fact that there is evidence that the mandate to dispossess the occupying tribe of their land is inherent in Jewish supremacist religious doctrine, and thus there is evidence of an immoral foundation for the dispossession that is rooted in superstitious ethno nationalist myths from antiquity?

Jews have no etnhic-spremacist (not even a work) doctrine. None
“Lands that someone else occupies”
Please stop being ignorant. Jews have lived continually in Palestine since the beginning of time uninterrupted. The Jews did not arrive there to conquer like Columbus or South Africa, they were a minority for sure, but they were there, There were not that many people living there maybe hundred thousand. Later some immigrated to a province of the Ottoman Empire called Palestine and bought land from the Ottomans, if you lived there you could have bought land also.So stop with this conquering expulsion bull****. The land was eventually partitioned half arab half Jews.

They did not dispossess other peoples land, only in war did that happen.

Also seeing your ridiculous banter with others about the Talmud, the Torah, The Tanakh and the Kabbalah. Don’t you feel a little ignorant discussing books that people spend all of their lives studying, that are very difficult to understand to the untrained eye, and then quote from them like you know something with the “Little Jews” and Big Jews” ****. I went to a Yeshiva as did many in my family and you should be embarrassed to think you can talk about that stuff intelligently. It would be like me looking at the Koran and trying to comment or discuss it. Ignorant.

You also have it all wrong. Remember the 1o commandments, why don’t you stick to something simple like that. Do you have an IQ? Seriously, I have studied Jewish text all my life, and to watch what you write. OMG We did produce Einstein we are intelligent moral and rational. You may disagree and for sure have the right to hate us, and are entitled to your own opinion but to quote from dense scripture with any idea of what you are talking about is laughable. Wee Ha you are dumb.

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