Monday, January 15, 2018

satanist Trump demonstrates his svc, fealty to Jew masterminds, "deep-state"....

Trump: satanic/Talmudic High Priest
(Apollonian, 15 Jan 18)

It's "good Jew" vs. "bad Jews," favorite game of deep state, the good kikes for "rightists" being Israel and neo-cons, the bad ones being leftist "globalists" of Agenda-21 and -30 addendum (or -2030)--and vice-versa for "leftists." But satanic deep state controls them all--doubt it?--observe the sucking-up to blacks done by Trump for M.L. King day, sucking up to blacks, dis-respecting whites (and all non-blacks), etc., teaching people about the "evil" of "racism"--when racism is actually (and obviously) virtue of loyalty to, pride in people. But in our satanic society such racist virtue is not allowed, and it's way of intimidating whites, esp. of the lower-intelligence.

So much for "cleaning-up" the "deep-state" which pushes all this idiot anti-racist "virtue." And so much for Trump being some sort of "hero" for Christianity, Western "values," etc. And Ajax Jewns of is all for it, too, regarding anti-racist "virtue" in this satanist, Jew-dominated society, never doubt.

So what's the lesson?--it's good to lie and mis-represent about thing like racist virtue, and it's good to patronize and condescend to such as blacks, obvious enemy race to the whites (and others too) which whites are thus impressed and reminded they're conquered, colonized people now beholden to niggers and Jews.

So never doubt Trump's purpose, paying obeisance and homage to the Jews, satanists, and "deep state" oligarchs--regardless of anything else--he works for them, continuing to humiliating whites. Trump is Israel's agent, "wagging the dog" for Jews and Israel, not to mention the Jew masterminds running the top criminal enterprise, the central-bank, legalized counterfeiting (see for expo).

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