Saturday, January 27, 2018

satanic peak is hit w. institutionalization of criminality which now rules entire society--the central-bank....

Cultural Institutionalization Of Criminality, Ruled, Dominated Necessarily By Jews, Foremost Subjectivists/satanists
(Apollonian, 27 Jan 18)

Note in the determinist CYCLE of inexorable history and "Decline of the West," by Oswald Spengler, the successful culture is "victorious," "prosperous," and generates then an over-population of progeny and offspring who didn't have to fight or work as hard as their forebears--as we see fm the Roman and American examples--an over-population of weaklings and inferiors (in so many cases) who wouldn't otherwise have survived on their own.

So these following generations fm original founders, producers, and fighters become evermore HUBRISTIC, corrupt, and degenerate, pretending now they're "good" and virtuous. And note the irony for observing the deterministic following generation inevitably pretending to "good" and a perfectly "free" will, all in spirit of hubris, hubris naturally inevitably arising fm that original victory, achievement and productivity of the founding generation(s).

Thus subjectivism being necessary foundation of "good" and perfectly "free" will, these not existing in verifiable reality as by means of science and sense-perception, subjectivism becomes the obsessionate ruling principle for everything, replacing objectivity and perceptible reality and in despite of all reason--reason being now rejected in favor of "good" and "morality."

And thus, soon enough, criminal fraud removes real money, commodity-based, hence gold-silver, in stead of dictatorship and criminal monopoly of CURRENCY (central-banking--see for expo) which is infinite in amount, nearly infinitely issued which then inexorably defrauds and despoils the citizenry and destroys economy and society--rendering the satanic society. For real MONEY, necessarily limited and finite in amount, unlike "currency," is actually quite abstract subject-matter not too easily understood by gullible following generations obsessed w. being "good."

Thus as satanism is most extreme subjectivism, subjectivism the foundation of satanism, making oneself God by means of consciousness/mentality being foundation for reality, hence perfectly "free" will and otherwise non-existent "good," satanists and most extreme subjectivists, hence Jews, necessarily, dominate and rule by means of their organization and cohesiveness leveraging the less committed and organized subjectivists, as among the goyim who tend to be more individualistic than Jews who are notoriously collectivistic and most organized.

Thus one observes the amazing phenomenon of small minority of Jews, masons, and satanists intimidating, ruling, and dominating much larger population of goyim who are simply dis-organized, corrupt, de-moralized, and infiltrated by cohorts and subjectivistic mignons of Jews and satanists now ruling and dominating the rest of the intimidated population.

Thus CRIMINALITY in way of central-banking inevitably comes to rule the economy, society, and culture, and the war of all against all is instituted, perpetual war for perpetual peace, the reduction-ad-absurdum, the culture of death--as we see presently in UN Agenda-21 and -2030 addendum, "population-reduction"--genocide as official gov. policy.

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