Wednesday, January 3, 2018

Hoffman, truly psychotic Golem, subjectivist, heretic, insanely obsessed w. pretending to (non-existent) "good"....

Below-copied by ap first submitted at comments, https://revisionistreview.blogspot.c...-iran-and.html

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Hoffman: Pelagian Heretic, GOLEM, Patronizing Fool
(Apollonian, 3 Jan 18)

Gosh Hoffman, but now u tell us, Pelagian heretic as u are, "root of all evil is love of money." But didn't u tell us we should love those monsters and enemies of humanity, God, and everything else, called Jews? So why should anyone love Jews, but not money? Doesn't money too, have its place in the scheme of things?--doesn't it deserve its proper respect no less?

For isn't money simple article of economics, and don't economists, which economics u, Hoffman, know less than nothing about, love that science (such as it is), hence love to think about the role and function of money?--for money serves a purpose and function, and if that's done well, the proper functioning and treatment of money deserves its share of regard, respect, and due reverential attn.

And why do u keep lying Hoffman?--like about God regarding "money," distinct fm CURRENCY, and the renting of it? For u lie to the people, Hoffman, when u don't admit there's no clear definition given for meaning of "usury" in the ancient sources--it doesn't mean lending or renting of money, real money distinct fm currency, currency being fake and fraudulent money--which doesn't even begin to occurring to such a charlatan, posing as Christian (lover of truth), as u.

God/Christ = truth, Hoffman--see Gosp. JOHN 14:6--truth being something u know very little about, we see, so willing to play the self-righteous Pelagian, and lying about "usury" and lending of money.

For TRUTH (= Christ) has to do, first of all, w. the OBJECTIVE (God-given) reality, Hoffman, which objectivity is denied by Pharisees most of all, who insist upon primacy of their "midrash" (interpretation) SUBJECTIVISM above and against God, hence truth. Further, the Pharisaics are collectivistic subjectivists ("group-think") who then organize and thus dominate the more individualist, dis-organized gentile subjectivists and satanists, who far out-number the Pharisaics, satanism being extreme subjectivism, the idea that consciousness creates reality.

The "ways of God," u say?--that's a big mystery to such as u, eh Hoffman? For the way of God is simply the way of truth (= Christ)--why is that so difficult for u? Thus for grasping of truth, God gave us logic and science, including then economics and its understanding of money, banking, and lending, but u know NOTHING whatever about those, and u care less--BECAUSE ALL U'RE INTERESTED IN IS PRETENDING TO (non-existent) "GOOD" and "virtue"--just like the cheap Pharisaic and Pelagian heretic u really are. U're actually quite subjectivistic in ur way, truth be told, Hoffman.

So u know what u really are, Hoffman?--u're a GOLEM--a monster who does the work of Jews, Jews in turn doing the work of their father, the devil, who was a liar fm the beginning (JOHN 8:44). For all u do is to hiding the real truth, pretending to the lie that "usury" is lending of money when actually, "usury" has to do MOST w. the substitution of intrinsically worthless CURRENCY in the place of real money which real money is easily loaned in the course of productive and honest business, the loaning of real money having PROVEN to be a great benefit to civilization and human-kind--but u don't care, Hoffman, as all u're interested in is pretending to being a "good" little boy, obedient, and sucking-along w. an idiotic, moronic "commandment" which u brainlessly, mindlessly insist must be followed--why?--because u insist God said so, when God commanded no such thing.

And what actually is the "Word of God," Hoffman?--it surely isn't what a lying heretic and Golem like u says it is. For Christ = truth, and truth is what all people seek as they are wise and as they heed fm respected sources like the Bible, which Bible was written by men, but also excellent sources like science, including economics.

A Golem like u says u "wonder how many truly" . . . "believe the Word of God?"--well, if they KNEW it came fm God himself, they'd be fools not to so "believe," eh?--in which case they'd simply be insane. And as there's no "evil" in a determined world in accord w. God's almighty will, there's no "root" of it. So such non-existent things WOULD be "difficult to fathom," Hoffman. U really ought to quit pretending to ur stinking Pelagianism and heresy, Hoffman--maybe then people might be more willing to support u w. their hard-earned funds, buddy.

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