Thursday, December 10, 2015

Political-correct metro-sexual protests he isn't sure what hate or Jew-hate is--perfect beginning premise for satanism....

Below-copied by ap first published at comments,

This post by JR seems to have been taken-down, so far

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JR Fails Again To Expound Satanism Taking-Over USA
(Apollonian, 9 Dec 15)

Well, u haven't written anything about that satanism (extreme subjectivism) which has grown up steadily and against which Christianity used to be people's bulwark, now fading as West continues Spenglerian, CYCLIC "Decline."

For u see, what good is Constitution if the people themselves give-up on necessary things Constitution was based upon?--like the OBJECTIVE reality, hence then rule-of-law, sanctity-of-contract, CHRISTIANITY, etc.

U write, "[a]m I a Jew hater? **** no. I am not sure what that even is. I have no ****ing idea what it means to hate. I just don't have that in me."

But Christianity is Jew-hatred, and that's what USA was built upon--what Dec. of Independence and US Const. were built upon. U just don't want to accept reality, JR, and u're part of the problem, for u and lots and lots of Americans are similar for this metro-sexual absurdity u spout, quoted here, above, too cowardly to hate Jews or even satanism.

U don't even know what it (Jew-hatred) is?--well, who's fault is that?--and truth is it's just another politically-correct protestation of urs in ur putrid pretending to be, what?--"moral"?--ho ho ho ho--certainly not patriotic; certainly not Christian, and certainly not honest.

"I have no ****ing idea what it means to hate. I just don't have that in me."

Really?--then u don't have any idea of love, as hate is just the reciprocal for same basic passion. Don't have it in u?--neither do u have honesty. U're just politically-correct drone and phony, extremely conflicted, it seems.

And so we see what and how u are, in all naked truth, JR--u don't care about patriotism or US Dec. of Independence or Const.--or anything--as much as u want to be Jew-friendly and politically-correct in ur way and manner, that's all.

U lack that basic honesty, in same way u lack that sympathy for that basic Christianity which is real foundation of this nation, Dec. of Independence, and Constitution.

And long as u lack that Jew-hatred u lack humanity, honesty, and proper patriot spirit, foundation of everything else for USA, now the Jew S A, unfortunately.

Satanism? (hubris and extreme subjectivism)--what is it and why/how is it taking-over, leading inexorably to mass-death?--u demonstrate it perfectly, JR, at least the beginning stages of it, for sure. U'd rather be "good," than honest, "Good" which doesn't really exist, worst enemy of truth and Christ.

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