Saturday, December 12, 2015

James Tracy?--he's a half-baked weakling--people should rather pity poor USA, West....

Below-copied by ap first published at comments,

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Poor Tracy?--Try Poor People And "Decline Of The West"
(Apollonian, 11 Dec 15)

Buddy (see below-copied), we're all "in danger," believe me, and Tracy is a weakling scum, half-assed punk who dilutes his so-called msg or thesis, or whatever. Ur sympathy is grossly mis-placed.

For Sandy hoax is one of a number of fake mass-shootings, false-flags, and psy-ops, all of it over-arched by the master conspiracy of central-banking which really ought to be the target of all/any "truthers" worthy of the name.

What's "ISIS," but a creature of West, CIA, MOSSAD, MI6, used now as we see to herd "refugees" into West which is in horrific economic recession?

And then this central-banking ought to be seen in additional light of accompanying massive satanism which additionally threatens the people, esp. of the West and Jew S A. Neither Tracy nor Fetzer has much if anything to say about this Satanism--Fetzer pretending to be a "philosophic," no less.

And then what/who is at bottom of this satanism and central-banking scourge if not Jews, foremost liars, satanists, and subjectivists? But note practically EVERYONE is so scared ****-less of these filthy kike scum--including such "brave" leaders (ho ho ho ho) as Tracy and Fetzer.

And of course, how can one blame Tracy or Fetzer when we see our prospective "leaders," like the pres. candidates falling-over one another to eat kikes' excrement, including Trump, whose own daughter apostatized to become one of those Christ-killing puke?

So u can see we're in a lot worse trouble than a smart-ass, crack-brain prof. being threatened for his stinking job as ZOG continues to slow-killing the people w. GMO foods, glyphosate poisons, toxic vaccines, poison "chem-trails," lethal electro-magnetic and nuke radiation, Fukushima killing the Pac. ocean, no less, the pop. being forced onto drugs as in "Brave New World," these drugs themselves killing folks in so many ways, etc.

What we need is a serious Christian, anti-semitic revolution, at least in thought and culture, and Tracy or Fetzer haven't the slightest idea about it, what it entails or how it's to be brought about, so ZOG doesn't really seem to be that worried about them.

U should rather lament we're on brink, within only a few weeks or months now, of gross economic and currency collapse. Here in Jew S A, prices are going to SKY-ROCKET, prices doubling, at least, soon, soon--THEN we're gonna be in trouble, sucker--that's what u ought to think about--the heck w. Tracy, that half-baked weakling.

--------------------------above by ap in response to below-copied--------------

Anonymous December 11, 2015 at 5:07 PM

I hope our dear advocate Tracy, very much in danger, contacts Rebekkah Roth, who now is on YouTube, The Rebekkah Roth Show, the latest episode being aired on Dec. 5,

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