Wednesday, December 23, 2015

A very good vid by Ken O'Keefe, showing Brit. PM, Cameron talking about "extremists," meaning REAL Christians--anti-satanists/anti-semites....

Below-copied by ap first published at comments,

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Drastic Program Necessary In Face Of Pending Catastrophe
(Apollonian, 23 Dec 15)

Well, it was a good vid (see, though somewhat dated as there's nothing in there about latest gigantic scandal on ISIS terror, now known and acknowledged as built, funded, supplied, and armed by ZOG, NATO, Israel, and Saudi.

O'Keefe makes some excellent pt.s, like (a) that enough investigation on 9/11 has been done, and (b) at the end, O'Keefe pt.s out the existential (practical) KEY to all the criminal activity, the central-bank, legalized COUNTERFEITING scam.

But then same old problems, more abstract and psychologic, crop-up, again, O'Keefe playing the usual good-Jew, bad-Jew game--there are no good Jews, and anyone who says there are is collaborator and accomplice, including esp. the "Judeo-Christian" (JC--see and for expo) hereticalists who are instrumental for cognitive dissonance regarding true nature of Christianity--anti-satanism in general and specifically anti-semitism, Jews understood as leaders of the subjectivists and satanists. See and for expo on Talmudism/Judaism.

Youth especially, are utterly fascinated and diverted by explicit satanism, as in hip-hop music.

Jew S A is now quite doomed economically, the currency collapsing, prices to sky-rocket very soon, more than doubling, surely within very short time, weeks, hardly even months.

So Jew S A must remove central-banking criminal enterprise, instituting real money, commodity-based, hence gold/silver, and revive serious respect for states-rights, nullification, and secession.

Of course it will be hard for folks to focus on real problems w. all the deliberate cognitive dissonance being sown, amidst the idiotic "entertainment," same old "bread-and-circuses" of Roman times.

U JR, are PERFECT example of the satanic problem, pushing cognitive dissonance and political correctness, insisting there are "good Jews," and there are many more like u--we cannot tolerate it--and in the midst of catastrophe u are extremely dangerous.

When O'Keefe described, analyzed, and evaluated David Cameron, who spoke about "extremism"--O'Keefe was talking precisely about u, JR, sticking-up for political-correctness, defending the Jews, the real Christianity being too "extreme" for such as u.

For Christianity, the real thing, "extremism," is what is being targeted by Cameron and his allies--u just can't face fact that u're one of those allies. For otherwise u'll be caught-up in the middle btwn the opposing polarities, Christian on one hand, satanist on the other.

And note it's not far away now--mere weeks--we'll be entering un-charted territory, the collapsing currency, prices sky-rocketing, food-shortages, martial-law. For the food-shortages are what makes family-men desperate to feed their kids and riots break-out--coming soon. Think carefully, JR

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