Thursday, January 29, 2015

Sandy hoax has all the satanist circumstances, conditions present, never doubt....

Below-copied first published at comments,

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Premises For satanic Conclusion Are Present, Indubitably
(Apollonian, 13 Jan 15)

Scott: u're NOT AT ALL "nuts," not in the slightest--I was noting this for Doom yesterday--maybe people think I'm being too lyric or abstract for meaning, but remember, the essence of satanism is simply EXTREME subjectivism--insisting that everything that exists is mere figment of one's imagination--forget all the numerology and crap--satanism is just same old Greek HUBRIS, imagining one is God.  Of course, then when satanists collude and conspire it becomes a collective subjectivism, not essentially different. 

And I was noting that the basic elements of this organized satanism are all present in Sandy hoax--(a) the masons, (b) the Kabalistic Jews, and then the criminality we all know is operating, including so many officials, local, state, and Federal, Conn. home of Yale's Skull & Bones society, and including the CFR member who wrote-up the interview w. Peter Lanza, etc.  The masons just by themselves constitute a tremendous conspiracy, esp. in conjunction w. the Jews.  But I also understand there's an actual outright satanist "church" in Newtown, second largest and most powerful after the one in San Francisco, or California.

When further, u consider there's so much gov. money in way of "grants" to communities, gov. institutions, and corp.s with big gov. contracts, it's EASY to see how things can all come-together for them in a gross criminal plot against the people and Constitution--like gun-control and psychologic control over the citizens, esp. the school-kids.  Finally, don't forget, Conn. is the state where Obola got his phony soc. security card, I understand.

U're absolutely right-on, Scott--don't doubt there's lots of folks out here who are totally with u for ur thinking and suspicions, never doubt--and it isn't even a terrible great leap for logical connection, un-questionably.  Premises are there for the Inductive conclusion, verily (and there's absolutely NO DOUBT in my own mind--this is huge satanic conspiracy).  Pretty soon there will actually be SO MUCH evidence, any nay-sayers will have to PROVE it's NOT satanic.

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