Thursday, January 29, 2015

Roots of satanic conspiracy: Jew lies, lying, SUBJECTIVISM, "good-evil" fallacy/delusion/heresy....

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Roots Of satanic Conspiracy: Jew Lies, Lying, Subjectivism
(Apollonian, 12 Jan 15)

This is good vid, Tiger, thanks (see above link).  And very good pt. u make about Gladio--it's good u know about that (I wasn't sure if u did).

Paris was false-flag, indubitably--CUI BONO?--only serves ZOG.  And WHO armed these people, anyway?--ZOG--liked they armed Syrian "free army" (really same al Qaeda paid assassins) fm stocks captured in Libya, morphed now into "ISIS/ISIL".

Remember the legal principle--if any part of a case is found fraudulent, the whole thing can and should be considered fraud.  Is fraud same as hoax?--I'd say they're pretty close.

Sydney "siege" was hoax, same as Ottawa shooting--now down the memory hole, eh?

Tiger: our worst enemy, BY FAR, is ZOG--they're doing all the terrorism and mass-murder, killing even us, w. fluoridated water, "chem-trails," GMO foods, other poisonous food additives, like aspartame, toxic vaccines, forced drugging, depleted uranium and other uranium poisoning, also micro-wave radiation is deadly, too--that's not being done by moooselmen.  And that's aside fm obvious fact mooselmen shouldn't be here, in West, but who's responsible for that?--Jews and sympathizers, as I noted.

We're under satanic assault, satanism being extreme subjectivism, narcissism, psychopathology, basis of lies--all of it then, for practical purposes, founded upon the money fraud, legalized COUNTERFEITING of US Federal Reserve Bank, ZOG's main, primary weapon, enabling everything else.

So what to do?--how to get rid of these satanic kikes (and accomplices)?--gotta start w. their primary enablers, the "Judeo-Christian" (JC--see and for expo) heretics and traitors.  Hence we need the real Christianity, anti-semitic, founded upon TRUTH TRUTH TRUTH above all/any other virtue, including idiot "love" or "peace," or "faith," or non-existent "good."  But that's another lecture, isn't it?  Ho ho ho o ho--take care.  A.

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