Thursday, January 29, 2015

Here's neat dialectic w. satanist--u can tell he's kike, ho ho ho ho ho....

Here, below-copied is a neat conversation w. Satanist (and probably Jew, too), fm

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B.L. Zebub
Mentioned you: +apollonian apollonius JesusGodFuck! Are you really that stupid?! I know I said we're done, but I had to respond once more. Where in the name of all that is fucked do they give awards for "drills"? Do

B.L. Zebub

commented on a video on YouTube.
Shared publicly  -  5:49 PM
+Professor Doom1 Just admit it. He's killed your theories on the videos he's done so far. Whether Keith Johnson is a "shill" or "troll" or "not awake" or a even five year old, his debunking of your garbage is still valid. If your debate skills were demonstrated during your meeting with Voice of Dissent, I'd say you're correct to duck this one. Answering questions with more questions does not prove your points.
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Hey kike: who else but Jew would name himself after a devil, eh?  But anyway, Doom's thesis still stands strong--IT WAS DRILL, and the "awards" rather demonstrate it.  After all, who would have an "awards" show after 26 deaths?--how is that anything to celebrate?--isn't it, wouldn't that be something macabre?--which only u kikes would think was normal or acceptable?  Keep talking to us, kikes, keep showing the world what monstrosities and psychopaths u really, truly are, ho ho ho ho
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B.L. Zebub
6:37 PM

+apollonian apollonius
That's hilarious. A nutcase anti-semite (I'm not Jewish, by the way) calling me a monstrosity and a psychopath. Oh, the hypocrisy!
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+B.L. Zebub No shit, scum--WHO do u think is the ultimate enemy, anyway, u dumb, stupid punk?--Jews.  So now what are u gonna say?--that it's "Vatican" and Jesuits?  Ho ho ho ho ho.  "Anti-semitism"--that's most virtuous obedience to almighty God, stupid ass--how is it u don't know this? 
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7:00 PM

+apollonian apollonius
The ultimate enemy is the "truth movement".
By the way, the good "professor" admitted to being debunked by one of KJ's videos. Are there any more of his claims that can be debunked? (Hint: all of them!)
(p.s. there is no "God".)
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+B.L. Zebub  More Jewwy Jew-talk fm the Jew, eh?  NEWSFLASH, sucker: in logic, u cannot prove a universal negative--get it, sucker?--brainless dumbass, typical kike moron, ho ho ho ho ho  U can say u have no evidence, but u cannot say there is no God--it would be like me saying there are no Pink Elephants on planet Pluto--how could I say that?--I'd have to have a space-ship to have gone there and looked around, even for the pretext, eh?--dumbass kike.

Doom only admitted that one or some of his assertions had over-reached, that's all.  Sandy hoax is still hoax, as it was mere drill, dumbass.

Hey, shit-for-brains: have u ever wondered HOW anyone would have "awards ceremony" for an "event" featuring 26 dead?--who, but for u kike filth, would do that?--is it even conceivable?--u could ONLY have "awards" ceremony IF IT WAS DRILL in first place, u dumb kike scum moron, ho ho ho ho ho ho

Read more (21 lines)B.L. Zebub
7:25 PM

+apollonian apollonius
I'm going to go out on a limb and say there ARE pink elephants on Pluto (which isn't a planet. That's just as likely to be accurate as saying "there is a god".
Doom only admitted to one. Sure. But how many more were "over-reached"? (hint: all of them). I mean, he can't go and admit to all of his sheep that he's, in fact, FULL OF SHIT. Can he? What else would he do with his sad existence if he lost all of his minions?
Now, what "awards ceremony" are you talking about? Is that your twisted "truther" way of describing the awards given to the First Responders?
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7:47 PM
+B.L. Zebub Yes kike, but I don't see what's "twisted" about it--how do u give "awards" for event of 26 deaths?--isn't that totally moronic--except for u Jews, of course.

And thanks for ur idiotic response, PROVING that atheists are so ignorant of simple logic.

And get a clue, stupid: there's no evidence--NONE--for any deaths at Sandy Hook--no blood, no bodies, no pictures, NONE--NO EVIDENCE.  U just want to believe in PROVEN ZOG liars who lie lie lie lie lie.
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8:33 PM

+apollonian apollonius
You're an idiot. They didn't give awards for the event. They gave the awards for the responses by the emergency personnel. That's a pretty common occurrence in my normal world.
You call the the idea of the existence of an omnipotent being that "created" EVERYTHING "logic". You're not just an idiot. You're funny, too. You might be legally braindead though. You should get that checked out.
"ZOG"? Don't tell me. Christian Identity, right? Well, there goes your right to be called human.
Bye Bitch. We're done.
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8:37 PM
+B.L. Zebub Hey thanks kike--u admit they wouldn't give "award" for an actual event entailing deaths--THEY'D ONLY DO IT FOR DRILL.

Stupid kike: I merely said u can't prove universal negative by laws of logic--u can't prove there's no God.

No not Christian Identity--JUST CHRISTIAN, sucker--this is our land, our world, sucker--as u will find-out soon enough, Jew scum.

Ho ho ho ho ho--we were "done" before u ever started, eh kike?  Ho ho ho ho
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9:19 PM

+apollonian apollonius JesusGodFuck! Are you really that stupid?!
I know I said we're done, but I had to respond once more.
Where in the name of all that is fucked do they give awards for "drills"? Do they give Oscars for rehearsals? Do the give the Heisman for practice? And yes, I said they don't give awards for the the event. But, in typical "truther" fashion, you ignore the rest of the comment.
You're world? You're land? You are one funny dickhead. This is MY world. I'm just allowing your existence. For now.
Now, we're done.
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9:28 PM
+B.L. Zebub I guess I am THAT "stupid," ho ho ho ho--but I'm not surprised kike psychopath (redundancy, I know) like u would miss it, ho ho ho ho.

Dipshit: no Christians would have "awards" for event of 26 real deaths--can't u figure that out?--ho ho ho ho--no, kike satanist like u wouldn't would u, ho ho ho ho ho

Further, it doesn't occur to psychopath like u awards only make sense if it was "successful" drill, ho ho ho ho--and that "successful" drill is something that makes sense--as opposed to non-successful drill, ho ho ho ho ho

And they DO give awards for successful crisis-acting, don't they?--as u would have at a DRILL, eh?--stupid kike filth, ho ho ho ho

But thanks again, kike, for all ur admissions and statements, for sure, ho ho ho ho ho

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