Friday, October 31, 2014

Never doubt--this is LITERAL truth: Judaism IS satanism, must be TOTALLY ERADICATED--to save humanity....

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Judaism Is satanism, Must, Will Be Eradicated
(Apollonian, 31 Oct 14)

(a) Jews are Talmudists, by definition--or racially related thereto.

(b) Talmud is LITERALLY a manual for warfare against humanity--see and

(c) Talmud teaches it's ok to lie to and murder gentiles--LITERALLY.  According to Talmud, God not only condones murder and enslavement of gentiles, God COMMANDS it.

(d) But more: Talmud teaches reality is WHATEVER the rabbis say it is (subjectivism)--that the word of God, for example, fm Torah, is to be "INTERPRETED" by Talmud, first through Mishnah (1st part), then this Mishnah interpretation by means of Gemara (2nd main part of Talmud) interpretation--the interpretation of the interpretation, I kid u not.  Torah word of God then means whatever Jews want it to mean, period, literally.

(e) And Talmud teaches that Christ and Christians are especial enemies of Jews, that they're "idolators" who should be killed, and that Christ was righteously killed/executed for blasphemy and heresy, and that, further, Christ's mother was prostitute.

(f) Thus Talmudism IS SATANISM, literally, Jews made to be God and/or co-equal w. God, Jews the reason God exists, God the slave, attack-dog, and assassin of Jews--as at "Passover" event, celebrated as Holy day.  Another bloody Holy Day for Jews, celebrating murder, is Purim, killing of thousands of Persians, fm Book of Esther.

(g) Hence it is Jews have ALWAYS been foremost CRIMINALS WITHIN ANY SOCIETY, beginning w. "central-banking" fraud of legalized COUNTERFEITING, and then all other criminal activities, prostitution, Murder Incorporated, etc.

(h) Thus Jews are rightfully hated by all mankind, all races, all throughout history, kicked-out/expelled fm practically every nation, numerous times, and Jews are only ever tolerated by corrupt proto-satanist empires in Spenglerian "decline" which bring Jews in for their streamlined criminal organization, esp. in way of banking, the Roman empire and present-day British and US empires most prominent examples.

(i) Hence Jews must be treated as criminals and psychopaths they are by their very religion, and Judaism must be exterminated, obviously, the obligation of all/any civilized, rational culture, society, and humanity.  Q.E.D.

Thursday, October 30, 2014

satanism evermore in people's face--esp. in the music videos for youth--but at least it's observed, noted, and analyzed--contrasted w. Christian TRUTH....

satanists Now Going Main-Stream, Suckas--In-Ur-Face--Had To Happen, Eh? Ho Ho Ho
(Apollonian, 30 Oct 14)

Ck outstanding vids on U-tube now up by Mark Dice, at  Dice has a couple in a row here about that satanism evermore pushed in-ur-face, by golly, these latest aside fm the many he's produced in the recent past, too.  Dice has also written some books on the subject, including the secret societies.

This expanded coverage of the satanist subject-matter is most interesting and prospective, evermore things out in the open so that even the dim-wits having to take notice, eh?

And ONLY Christian truth, as of Gosp. JOHN, has serious possibility for successfully opposing these Jewwy satanists, never doubt.

And Dice isn't the only prominent U-tuber (relatively) who has material on the satanists, ck also the work of RedPillRevolution, White Rabbit Channel, The Vigilant Christian, and KJ Ozborne--they all have significant material on the satanism evermore in "face" of the public.

So the great thing is lots and lots of our good people are made aware of explicit anti-Christ satanism expressed in the music videos, in attempts to make such satanism fashionable among the impressionable youth.

Remember the WHOLE PT. to satanism is that same old HUBRIS (ck wiki) of Pharisaist (Jew) "good-evil" and subjectivism whence one makes oneself God, pretending one is "good," whereas others aren't.

Christian truth, on other hand, emphasizes TRUTH TRUTH TRUTH, hence (Aristotelian) objectivity and determinism (absolute cause-effect) whence things happen as they must, there being no "good-evil," only honest heeding of reality and rationalism, vs. INSANITY.

And of course, there are the Jewwy, so-called "Christians" (like the "Judeo-Christians," "JCs," see and for best expo) as of present establishment, who take-up the Jews' "good-evil"--that heresy known as Pelagianism (again, ck Wiki for good exposition, also St. Augustine, first expositionist thereupon).

And again, note Christian truth necessarily emphasizes and implies the OBJECTIVE reality, God-given or -created, according to Christians, the basis of such truth, providing verifiable criterion/premise--OPPOSED to the subjectivist version whence ANYTHING GOES, reality being whatever u want it to be, Jews holding even the original Word of God fm Moses is subject to rabbinic "interpretation" according to their Talmud and "Oral Law"--all this for purpose of defining what's "good for Jews," always turning-out to being what's good for the topmost masterminds, the heck w. the people.  For best expo on Talmud see and

Immediate significance of this Jew vs. Christian has to do w. subsequent confusion of the meaning of "faith"--which for Jew means "believing," even when it's a lie, but for proper Christian only means LOYALTY, given first one's rational/intellectual understanding of the truth as it conforms to reality--NOT to one's own whim or authority of some "rabbi."

Thus for the Christian, unlike the Jew, "faith" doesn't make something true--only truth and reality makes anything then worthy of LOYALTY, that's all.

The tragedy is that present JCs of today have taken-up the Jew version/concept of "faith," whence whatever u want to be true is true merely by having this idiot, hubristic "faith" of "believing"--as if there's only the subjectivist world of what u want to exist, dependent only upon ur own wishful thinking, NOT the objective reality created by God, regardless of one's wishes and whims.

Un-fortunately, the would-be expositors of satanism, too many of them, anyway, make it out to being something more complex--esp. in way of numerology, which is just diversionary, irrelevant non-sense, the basic thing for satanism being that hubris of subjectivism, one making oneself God, as by means of "believing," therefore that "believing" making it being true, as if one were God.

Monday, October 27, 2014

Satanists Will NOT NOT NOT be deterred or denied--esp. by scum public, ho ho ho....

satanist Obola Is Gonna Legalize Illegal Invaders, And There's Nothing U Morons Of Public Can Or Will Do About It, Suckas
(Apollonian, 27 Oct 14)

Ck  Janet Napolitano says it's "appropriate" to satanistically and of course illegally, un-constitutionally, legalize the invaders ("immigrants"), replete w. all the neato diseases they bring, not to mention the criminals among them who will be released into the population.

And she's right, isn't she?--it certainly IS "appropriate," given precedents and the training the dumbshits of Jew S A have been subjected to--we're supposed to submit to this--and it will fly, won't it?--Absolutely it will--HOW do u know?--simple, US Dollar is still up there, still world "reserve currency," and as long as Dollar remains, backed-up by US military force intimidating everyone else fm moving away fm Dollar, it will finance more football games on TV, continued welfare payments--and the scum and puke of people in Jew S A will remain fat and happy--at least, satisfied--at same time as INTIMIDATED, though the stupid puke won't admit it.

Another thing: up-coming elections--think satanists will lose any seats in Congress?--heck no--why?--because they got the "electronic-voting" which will keep them in office, don't doubt--EVEN if Dems lose control of Senate.

Ah well, note NOTHING will change until Dollar collapses, and ONLY THEN.  But meantime Christian soldiers and patriots MUST keep working, preaching that REAL Christianity, anti-semitism, Christian truth vs. Jew lies (see Gosp. JOHN 14:6 and 8:44).  And then, as things really start to crumble and collapse--we enact NULLIFICATION and SECESSION fm this satanic, filthy empire, making use of REAL MONEY, like gold/silver.

And don't forget the diff. btwn REAL Christianity and satanic "Judeo-Christianity" (JC--see and for expo on JCs).  For real Christianity, human reason, logic, science, etc., are integral parts of Holy Spirit by which we grasp that precious TRUTH (= Christ), only way to Godly happiness, truth not possible without that necessary criterion of objective (God-created) reality.

Hence then "faith" for the real Christian is simply LOYALTY--NOT NOT NOT "believing" stupid crap which offends reason and logic--which is necessary to Jew lies whence anything is true long as it serves Jews' (but really top rabbis') interests--to kikes, u just gotta "believe" in lies--which then makes it true, u see.

Because for kikes there IS NO objective reality--it's SUBJECTIVE--and reality then is simply what u want it to be--this is their version of "faith"--"believing"--and thus it is for the JCs, too.

That's how then, satanic JCs say Bible is literally the "word of God," as if God actually wrote it all himself, ho ho ho ho ho ho.  Then this JC puke pt.s to Book of Revelations, insisting we have to see to institution of Israel, etc.

Thus u see, kikes CANNOT work without their JC suckalongs running interference for them, setting things up, prepping the minds of the weak--which is MOST people, who need leadership, u see.

So u see: JCs are the weak-pt. for kikes and ZOG--and they're extremely vulnerable to REAL Christians preaching the truth--if we only exert ourselves, comrades--aside fm practical, afore-mentioned nullification and secession instruments.

Thus as things get worse, US Dollar continuing to collapse, the people in the middle btwn the two poles, Christian and Jew, weak and dependent upon leadership, will see evermore how they're being led over the cliff by satanists--and will be more willing to listen to true Christians, Christianity, and truth.

Sunday, October 26, 2014

Ap's dialectic w. satanist who squirms and wiggles

This dialectic w. satanist and ap first published at

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Satanist Is As Satanist Does
(Apollonian, 26 Oct 14)

What diff. does it make whether u "admit" anything, genius?--satanist is as satanist does, right? U defend Jews; Judaism is satanism; therefore, it's good evidence u're one, right? U want censorship, (a), and (b) u believe in hate-crime/hate-speech laws, etc.

U lie, pretending u're "expert" in Biblic literature.

U're satanist, as the inductive evidence is strong enough to make assumption. Task now is to dis-prove, but u just laugh, like satanist would, confirming.

As I've explained (see, satanism is really just extreme subjectivism whence u make urself out to being God--and u're certainly subjectivist, without doubt.

----------------------------above by ap in response to below-copied-------------------------------

"...So let's recap. If I admit that I'm in love … sorry, head over heels in love with Satan and all his little wizards, then you will remove my testicles with a blunt instrument resembling some kind of gardening tool and roast them over a large fire. Whereas if I don't admit that I'm head in love with Satan and all his little wizards, you will hold me upside down in a vat of warm marmalade … AND remove my testicles with a blunt instrument resembling some sort of gardening … Oh I see. Well, in that case, I love Satan."

--------------------------------above was response to below by ap------------------------------

Ho ho hoho--nigel, why bother posting?--u're just a homosexual, nihilist, satanist playing a game within ur own little head, eh? I'm humiliated, indeed, just for responding to such as u. Ho ho ho ho ho

---------------------------------above in response to below-copied---------------------

"A Christian soldier of truth"! That's wonderful!
Sorry, treacle, but you make it so easy to patronise. I'd hate to think I'm humilating you. Forgive me.

Unfortunately, the rest of your post there I cannot make head nor tail of. I looks like you charged me with being a "nihilist". Well, I suppose I'd lean more towards nihilism than your Christianity in many respects. Still, it seems far from accurate and you've probably gotten your words muddled up again. Am I right?

-----------------------------------above in response to below-copied-------------------------

Nigel K.: Satanist Zero, Fascist--Only Needs A Bullet--Or A Noose, Ho Ho Ho
(Apollonian, 26 Oct 14)

Nigel: u're just a patronizing, nihilistic, homosexual, fascist satanist who wants censorship, dictatorship, etc.--u're pretty worthless, lying, know-nothing sort, who NEVER has anything to say of any substance.

All u seem to want is for world's parents to hand over their children to such as u, etc. Why do u bother posting?

"What's it all about"?--just u and ur Jew and satanist buddies mass-murdering ur way through life, and now u here patronizing a Christian soldier of truth, pretending nothing means anything, u're "expert" on Biblic literature, etc., ho ho ho ho--u're just a joke who only need putting-away.

Tuesday, October 21, 2014

satanic ZOG has destroyed US economy, killed employment, etc.--so now what?--restrict food for homeless, naturally--what did u expect?....

satanists Work To Restrict Christian Food For Homeless
(Apollonian, 21 Oct 14)

Doubt satanists are consistent for logic?--observe (see now that they've destroyed US dollar and economy, they work sedulously to restrict food for the homeless--makes sense, right?

And this about starving the homeless, soon enough all the people, too, goes right along w. the "ebola czar," Jew, Klain, who explains he believes hey, there's just toooooo many people, esp. in Africa and Asia--toooo many gentiles, for sure--see

Note Klain isn't a doctor--he's "management" for the plague treatment, u see.  Purpose is, regardless whether ebola really does any damage or not--note ebola isn't a problem, evidently, for such as African country of Nigeria--to (a) push the poisonous vaccines, and (b) running the police-state and "swat-teams," mentioned by Obola, and taking people off to FEMA death-camps, clamping-down evermore upon people's rights and US Constitution, naturally.

Satanic/Jew logic is always soooooo consistent against the Jew-sponsored and -styled "Christians" who are always soooooo docile, stupid, compliant, and deferential to kikes and terror-state of Israel, etc., u notice--and lately to queers too, don't forget.

For REAL Christians heed to TRUTH (Christ--see Gosp. JOHN 14:6) above all, hence reason and honesty--they're anti-Semitic, hate queers, and hate lies and lying.

REAL Christians don't go along w. idea that "faith" trumps reason, reason integral part of Holy Spirit, "faith" only properly being LOYALTY, not primarily "believing" idiotic crap which makes no sense--this is the sort of "faith" of Jews who push lies and lying.

Removing kikes and ZOG will require removing of their foremost accomplices, the phonies of "Judeo-Christianity" (JC--see and for best expo on JCs), and this large process must accompany US Dollar collapse, primary weapon of ZOG, never doubt.

Monday, October 20, 2014

ZOG is TOTALLY Insane, never doubt--something must give, soon, soon--so keep preaching that precious Christianity which has worked before for patriots, will again too, never doubt....

satanic ZOG Psychopaths Considers We, Scummy Citizens, Are Their "Bitches," Suckas
(Apollonian, 20 Oct 14)

Ck  ZOG FBI wanted to get this musselman to be informant, right?--but the musselman refused.  Oh?--well, so ZOG FBI then just up and framed him for a supposed crime--that'll show him, ho ho ho

They're (ZOG) TOTALLY INSANE, comrades, totally out-of-control, and SOMETHING has to give--and it will sooner or later.

So keep preaching that REAL Christianity, comrades, which is necessarily anti-semitic (anti-satanic), featuring worship of TRUTH TRUTH TRUTH (Gosp. JOHN 14:6) above all/any, the ONLY way to Godly happiness--AGAINST Jew lies (JOHN 8:44).

Dear Christianity is what worked for Christian patriots once before, as early 4th cent. Roman emp., and it can work again for that UNITY of spirit and emotion, the necessary basis of successful revolution, victory, rule-of-law, and precious freedom.

ZOG satanist cop shows u just what respect/regard he has for ur right to not be assaulted--his own "prerogative" to mace anyone he pleases....

Doubt satanic ZOG Is Out To Kill U?--HOW Stupid Can U Be?
(Apollonian, 20 Oct 14)

Ck this vid:  Vid shows thug-w.-a-badge calmly walking past, perfect picture of the psychopath, so cool, so emotion-less, then soooooooo cooly, but suddenly, turning and macing someone who's video-taping the cop as the cops are hard at work dealing w. the proles.  Reminded me of Clint Eastwood, so cooool he was, by golly, ho ho ho ho ho

Pt. is the absolute CONTEMPT of this piece-of-shit-w.-a-badge for the people and their rights--so cooly, calmly going about their business assaulting the citizens--just another day at work for the puke, u see.

Further pt. then is standing-orders, obviously, is that cops are supposed to doing this, harassing and assaulting of the citizens, thus demonstrating the attitude of ZOG for the citizens and their rights--get it?--it's un-mistakable, and u'd have to be a moron not to get it.

As Alex Jones ( pt.s out, it's not like the cops will be any better treated by ZOG when the economic crunch comes, US Dollar collapsing even as we speak--they'll lose their pensions and have difficulty feeding their families no less, or not much less than everyone else, don't doubt.

This--in the vid, about the pig-w.-a-badge, is REASON FOR 2ND AMENDMENT, never doubt.

satanist ZOG demanding Christians worship satanism--to marry queers, or go to jail--we need REVOLUTION, prepared by preaching the REAL Christianity, hence anti-semitism, never doubt....

satanic Queers Demand Christians Must Marry Them--OR GO TO JAIL
(Apollonian, 20 Oct 14)

Ck  Queers and gov. city Officials from Coeur d’Alene, Idaho have now told a couple of ministers they must marry the queers or face jail and/or fines.

Is there something missing here?--like simple thing like 1st amendment, freedom of religion?--aside fm any other freedom of choice, i.e., freedom of ministers to turn the queers down for their request.

So now we're all slaves to the queers, eh?--isn't it lovely?

And observe satanic city officials, not to mention courts, are all for the queers--that's where the money is, eh?  Ho ho ho

U thought this was Christian country?--guess again, morons.  See, Jews and satanists have affected things to extent establishment Christian puke now imagine and insist Holy Spirit has nothing to do w. REASON, logic, etc.  But how else do humans grasp truth, but by means of reason, logic, science?

But REAL Christianity necessarily entails reason, logic, science as integral part of Holy Spirit--by which to grasp truth = Christ, the ONLY way to Godly happiness (Gosp. JOHN 14:6)--against Jew lies (JOHN 8:44).

Thus u begin to see--satanism has much taken control of establishment Christianity and nominal "Christians," making them such pathetic slaves now to such putrid scum as queers rubbing their noses in the filth, as we see.

Oh Lord, but how I pray for necessary collapse of US Dollar, this the only remaining strength of ZOG by which they enforce this Satanism--collapse of Dollar and economy, horrific as it will be, seems to be our only possible salvation, eh?--that's why we must be active as rationalists and Christians, preparing.

satanist ZOG created ebola bio-weapon, the "problem," and now their solution?--poisonous vaccines, death camps....

Confirmed: satanic ZOG Developed Ebola As Bio-Weapon, Targeting Blacks
(Apollonian, 20 Oct 14)

Ck  Thus we have ZOG to thank for development of ebola as weapon--to terrorize us all, no doubt to encourage us to getting their poisoned vaccines.

Once again, it goes to show ZOG, our own gov., is our worst enemy--they're the ones behind all the terror, behind ISIS, behind al-Qaeda--they did 9/11, like they killed JFK, etc.

So what did u expect when they brought in legalized COUNTERFEITING (central-banking of US Federal Reserve--see for expo) whence they just push-out all the money they want or need, the suckers, morons, and schizoid puke imagining it "helps" the economy, etc.?

So now ZOG is going to be INCREASING the police-state, now w. additional "SWAT"-type patrols rounding-up folks to send to concentration death camps.  See

Gad, but as I've noted--if people are really stupid enough to sit-still for all this, then they DESERVE to die, eh?--that's ZOG's purpose, anyway, they creating problem, the ebola plague, having the "solution" all ready for us, death camps.

So preach the real, anti-semitic Christianity, states-rights, nullification, and emphasis on primacy of local gov.

Saturday, October 18, 2014

satanist ZOG child molesters make 5 yr old "sign contract"--ZOG desperately needs dealing-with....

Satanic ZOG Child Molesters Working Now On 5 Yr Olds
(Apollonian, 18 Oct 14)

Ck  "A Kindergartner in Mobile, Alabama was forced to sign a contract by school officials saying that she would not try to harm other people or commit suicide after she drew something that resembled a gun using a crayon."

This is what it's come to, among all the other crap, molesting and bullying little 5 yr olds--who (just read the story) don't even know what the words mean that were used in the contract she was forced to sign.

Imagine the parents being forced to put-up w. this, having their little child bullied by this ZOG filth.

Pay-backs--they're gonna be tough for some people--and these "pay-backs" MUST HAPPEN, and that's the problem--HOW to bring it all about.  Key concepts then to remember are states-rights, nullification, secession, etc.--emphasis on primacy of LOCAL GOV., necessity of all citizens being well-armed, basic, simple stuff.

And then basic to everything must be the REAL Christianity--removing satanism, hence Jews, and thus the queers, but MOST of all, these puke "Judeo-Christian" (JC--see and for best expo on JCs) scum--JCs are really key to ZOG, along w. the continuing strength of US Dollar, though Dollar is doomed.

And note ZOG has plans for dollar/economic collapse, so it's imperative for u and us to be working on that JC problem, which only requires rational Christianity, Christ = truth, hence objective reality, etc., as I've noted.

Thursday, October 16, 2014

Gad, but does it take rocket-science to figure it out what to do now in face of Obongo's idiot order?--just flat-out REFUSE....

Just Flat-Out Refuse Obongo's Idiot, Un-Constitutional Orders--Simple, Eh?
(Apollonian, 16 Oct 14)

Ck  In this story by Nimmo, it's explained Obongo is going to order National Guard troops to ebola-ravaged Africa, and that it's un-questionably un-constitutional.

So what--WTF--to do?--isn't it obvious?  Congress isn't going to help--they're all paid-off, the scummy filth.

The thing to do is for the troops to refuse to go--OBVIOUSLY.  Now will these dumb bastards figure it out?

Years and centuries ago, people weren't nearly as technically competent, on average, as people of today.  But does it mean people of today are smarter?--ho ho ho ho ho.  No, the people of early America were much, much smarter than these dumb, brainless scum of today.

Note how people wonder--what to do to defeat ZOG--well, here's EASY solution--REFUSE TO GO AND SERVE, regarding the Nat. Guardsmen being un-Constitutionally ordered--is this really rocket-science?  And just think, it would only take simple effort to just not budge--it would put great pressure on Obongo, ho ho ho ho.

Imagine all the stupid puke babbling and jabbering about "nullification" and states-rights (not that these aren't excellent concepts)--but here's even simpler solution.

But I guess it's tooooooo simple to figure-out, eh?

See, at a certain pt., if u just INSIST upon being soooooooooooooo goddam stupid, well, u deserve to die, eh?--that's exactly what's happening to Jew S A, comrades.

Tuesday, October 14, 2014

Here's simple truth comrades, easily verified: Judaism IS SATANISM, literally, without any doubt--just ck the Talmud for proof....

Judaism IS satanism--Get A Clue, To Save Ur Stupid Lives, Morons
(Apollonian, 14 Oct 14)

Judaism = Talmudism = subjectivism = satanism

What's OBVIOUS problem w. our world?--the entire world, but esp. USA--we have not only criminals, not only corrupt politicians, but absolute, outright SATANISTS--and they're out to kill u and us, fools--GET A CLUE, to save ur idiot, moronic lives, for goodness sakes.

These satanists control the money-supply--they just print it all up as they need to buy everything and nearly everyone.  US Federal Reserve Bank ("Fed") is literally just legalized COUNTERFEITING.

So WHAT are satanists?--well, they insist THEY'RE God, they create reality and truth--they're absolute SUBJECTIVISTS--only "reality" is that within their minds.  Naturally, these satanists are foremost criminals, esp. as they're most organized--like Jews who preach a collective subjectivism.

So we know satanists are leading criminals, heads of all organized crime, but how do we know Jews are leading satanists?--just ck the Talmud, their basic document; see and  And thus we see the equations, Judaism = Talmudism (by definition) = Satanism.

Thus Talmudism teaches subjectivism, that the word of God fm Torah means ONLY what Talmud "interprets," Talmud actually consisting of the two main parts, (a) "Mishnah" interpretation of Torah, then (b) the "Gemara" interpretation of Mishnah interpretation--that's right, the interpretation of the interpretation, literally--is that subjectivism?

satanists setting-up for next hit on the puke--excuse me, the precious "people," ho ho ho ho--Fools gotta die, u know, ho ho ho ho, according to Puzo....

Satanic ZOG Setting-Up For Next Rip-Offs, Of Money & Rights
(Apollonian, 14 Oct 14)

Well, here we go for the next hits on the morons--those lovely fellow citizens of ours, like the schizoid scum (see ref. essay, right-hand margin, this site for expo on schizoids).

First, there's this: it's Brad Pitt, total "insider"--his wife, Jolie, is formal member of CFR (Council on Foreign Relations), no less,

But what is this (regarding Pitt) really?--it's idiot blithely taking the bait for the set-up, as U KNOW what's gonna happen, soon, soon--there'll be a false-flag and Pitt then will dramatically RENOUNCE guns, gun-ownership, "consp.-theories," etc.  U know this as u KNOW how the satanists operate--only surprise is if it doesn't happen.

Think I'm wrong?--well, ck this:; it's ZOG and Jew world order getting ready, preparing ANOTHER rip-off, a "bail-in" whence they take money out of people's accounts like they did in Cyprus a year and a half ago,

The excuse is, "gee, we need ur money to save the banking system"--a system which is programmed to go bust anyway--as that's necessary ending.  So the idea is to rip-off the morons (the dear "people") as they do so--LITERALLY to destroying the people--after all, the dumb bastards will put-up with it, eh?--so they DESERVE IT, the satanists consider--get it?--it's a lot like the story in "Atlas Shrugged," by the kikess, Ayn Rand, a very good story about "death-worshippers," just as Rand literally notes, for which she deserves much credit for (a) honesty, unusual for a Jew, and (b) simply most accurate fore-casting and psychologic characterization.

What's a patriot, like me, for instance, to do?--it's very sad, watching it all set-up to happening, and helpless to doing anything about it, but for warning people, which they won't listen to, alas.

Scummy, satanistic Democrat just BLATANTLY LIES RIGHT INTO UR FACE--and it will work, undoubtedly....

(Apollonian, 14 Oct 14)

Well comrades, here's PERFECT picture of satanism in-ur-face--first, look at this absolutely BRILLIANT commercial, it's just 30 seconds long:

So what's the up-shot?--U KNOW IT'S A LIE LIE LIE LIE LIE--how, why?--because these Democrats lie as matter-of-course--it's what they do, KNOWING so many people are schizoids--just ck the reference essays at the right hand margin, this web-site.

If it's Democrat, then u KNOW they're absolutely OWNED by Jew world order, the only ones w. money, and that soon as they're in office they're GUARANTEED to follow and vote for Jew world order after they've lied to the stupid puke who make up great bulk of the idiots called, "people."

Truth be told, Republicans do it too--they're all in pay of the satanists who run ZOG and Jew world order.  Dumb-ass dip-shit puke (the "people") cannot, will-not learn, the poor, dumb, brainless bastards.  Oh well: FOOLS DIE, truly according to Mario Puzo.

And that's what's happening now--the over-populated stupid puke, addicted to the TV, football games, "bread & circuses," are being killed-off--sad, but necessary course of events.  The weak must "fall by the way-side," according to Darwin and Spencer.

Not being fm Kentucky, of course, I went and ck'd the web-site for this candidate whore-filth; it's at  OBSERVE: there's absolutely NOTHING, NOTHING WHATSOEVER, on the site's front page letting u know this is Democrat, ho ho ho ho ho ho ho ho

It's EXTREMELY sad and lonely thing, I assure u, for one like me, observing this putrid satanism going out and collecting souls, and the dumb-shit puke among the people (perhaps MOST of them) being soooooooooooo stupidly taken-in by this simple technique--just BLATANT LYING IN-UR-FACE--and it WORKS--it got Obongo into office, ho ho ho ho--stupid shits, far too few of them, anyway, NEVER learn.

Thursday, October 9, 2014

satanic ZOG looks quite stupid, eh?--ordering HazMat suits, but then telling people not to worry, ho ho ho ho

If Ebola Is No Worry, Why Did ZOG Just Order 160,000 HazMat Suits?
(Apollonian, 9 Oct 14)

Satanic ZOG orders 160,000 HazMat suits specifically designed against ebola (see THEN tells the people, hey, don't worry about ebola?--wonder what's going on, eh?  Ho ho ho ho ho ho

The Jews-media knows something's wrong--see

Well, we KNOW ebola is a bio-weapon, ZOG owning numerous patents.  We also know behind ZOG is BIG-Pharma drug/vaccine monopolies, not to mention all the other fascist mattoids who want to dictate and put folks in FEMA camps.

So a plague is perfect pretext for ZOG declaring martial law dictatorship on eve of imminent currency collapse, etc.

Overall Christian patriot movement still needs much organization, surely, BUT it's still good opportunity for nullification/secession.

This latest ebola debacle is amazing spectacle of melt-down for ZOG--it's said Obongo & co. has really lost lots of approval rating, see

Tuesday, October 7, 2014

satanism, schizoids continue to standing firm, secure and confident in their santimony, unction....

Satanist ZOG Spokesman, Panetta, Spits Contempt, Endorses, Seconds, Confirms ISIS Pretext (Made By ZOG), Torture As Legitimate Source Of Info, Etc.
(Apollonian, 7 Oct 14)

Satanic henchman, Leon Panetta, comes-on w. Katie Couric to "clarify" (ho ho ho) ZOG's satanic prerogative for mass-murder, pretext of ISIS which was made by ZOG, and specifically TORTURE as a means of obtaining info.  See

Significantly, Panetta asserts--AGAINST the US Constituton--Pres. has right to do all this mass-murder, this along w. blithely asserting the KNOWN LIE to effect Syrian, Assad gov. was behind the poison-gas attack about a year ago over which Obongo wanted to launch air-strikes--which air-strikes were heavily protested by American people.

Satanistic Panetta insists Pres. should have gone ahead regardless w. air-strikes in contempt of the protests, not to mention Constitution--and not to mention the FACT it was satanic ZOG which actually did the gas-attack, as well as probable further attacks since.

HOW does this putrid, in-ur-face purest Satanism get-by?--it could only get past by means of the continuing existence of steadfast schizoids who remain self-righteous, even in the face of reality and facts--they don't care as they're sooooooooooooo righteous and filled w. moral unction.  Such is the power of HUBRIS and moralism/Pharisaism, never doubt.

Monday, October 6, 2014

satanism is subjectivism--numerology is just diversionary nonsense....

Below-copied by ap first published at comments,

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

Numerology: Just Satanist-Inspired Nonsense Meaning Anything Jews Like
(Apollonian, 5 Oct 14)

Not sure where u’re trying to go w. all this numerologic nonsense, tiger.

Remember: satanism is simply hubris of SUBJECTIVISM–reality being merely what one observes within his own mind (Plato), denying an objective reality, objectivity requiring then validity of senses for info fm that outside, objective reality (Aristotle).

Subjectivism is necessary foundation of moralism/Pharisaism, insisting there’s “good-evil,” even though no objective criterion exists to be discovered or observed for such otherwise fallacious, delusionary “good-evil” known to Church as heresy of Pelagianism, according to St. Augustine.

Determinism (absolute cause-effect), following the objective reality, precludes a perfectly “free” human will–we’re all sinners, always have been, always will-be. But satanism emphasizes the perfectly “free” god-like human will.

Note also Christian Gosp. JOHN (14:6) affirms the Aristotelian reality, Christ = TRUTH TRUTH TRUTH above all/any other value or virtue (including “love,” “faith,” peace or “good”), against Jew lies (JOHN 8:44).

For note a lie is simply a subjectivist concoction, pretending to be objectively true. Jews uphold the subjectivist reality determined by “what’s good for Jews,” insisting God does miracles for them, God their slave and attack-dog who kills their enemies for them (as Passover and Purim holy-days for them).

Jews LOVE numerology–which always justifies and “means” anything they want.

Sunday, October 5, 2014

Kike, satanic psychopathology and method thereto is herein PERFECTLY demonstrated: truth and reality is established by means of insisting and repeating, seriously--this is how this puke "thinks," ho ho ho ho ho....

Below-copied dialogue and texts first published at comments,

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Here below-copied, by "one-born-brainless" is PERFECT picture of satanic psychopathology, purest subjectivism, the satanist kike insisting and repeating, pretending this insisting and repeating actually creates reality, making it true--"faith," according to the kike, which, unfortunately, is taken-up and adopted by so many putative "Christians" of today.

Thus first we see the kike stating his "thesis":

Anonymous said :"Well, if I'm not mistaken, Einstein was a Jew so his theories must be total rubbish. After all, they were put forth by a *Jew* so they cannot be true! If a non-Jew put them forth, they would be correct though."

Exactly. No need to try to disprove Einstein via an alternative physics theory/explanation, or via pure math, or whatever [after all, that would take brains and forethought, and therefor time] - according to the anti-semite er.. "logic" Einstein _"must"_ be wrong simply because he was a Jew!

And on the other hand, if , as you say, he'd been non-jewish, his theories would have automatically been correct, presumably! :-)

But as I said before, what else would you expect from persons who [just like Hitler] claim to love the jew Christ, plus the jew Moses, plus the 12 jewish apostles, and yet to hate all other jews at the exact same time?

You ain't gonna get logical consistency from them, that's for sure- however, you are guaranteed a good laugh [or cry?].

Regards, onebornfree

-------------------------------------apster replies below------------------------------------

Lying Jews Are Also Quite Stupid & Ignorant, Never Doubt
(Apollonian, 4 Oct 14)

It's difficult for cause of truth or logic when one who upholds them is substantially censored.  [Scum moron web-master of the blog deleted a mass of apster's comments on this blog.]

But here, just above, we have the typical kike, "one-born-brainless," quoting another of his buddy kikes (in all probability, given the inductive evidence), utterly ignorant of logic, pretending, like typical stupid Jew, he knows all about it, and then, additionally, lying, as usual for Jews, on top of it all.

But note, given what we KNOW for certain about kikes, that they're Talmudists (see and for Talmudic expo), by definition, hence psychopathic, murdering, lying, satanic monsters, this all confirmed in hist., this is good INDUCTIVE premise by which to discount the lies of these liars, etc., called "Jews."

This gross, crass ignorance by these kikes then is augmented, we see by further (typical) lies, explicit and imputed--e.g., that if non-kike puts it forth then it's automatically true, and that Christ, Moses, et al., are "Jews."

Sure, perhaps a Jew might actually speak a truth once, but note it's only part of a larger lie--see Gosp. JOHN 8:44.

Kikes are sooooooooo "shocked," ho ho ho ho when they see their Talmudic war against truth, Christ, humanity, objective reality, reason, and logic forthrightly opposed by steadfast Christian soldier, like apster, ho ho ho ho


So now, how does the kike respond?--observe and feast ur eyes:

Song For Hitler - who apparently regarded himself and the Nazi party as Christian :-) :

Moses was a jew
Moses was a jew
Ho, ho, ho, ho,
Moses was a jew

The apostles were all jews,
Apostles were all jews,
Ho, ho ,ho, ho,
The apostles were all jews,

Jesus was a jew
Jesus was a jew
Ho, ho, ho, ho,
Jesus was a jew

[all together now]:

Jesus was a jew,
Jesus was a jew
............[and so on and so forth]

Regards, onebornfree.

--------------------------------------------ap responded below--------------------------------

Kike Psychopathology Demonstrated To Perfection
(Apollonian, 5 Oct 14)

This is absolutely PERFECT picture (above) of kike psychopathology--these monstrosities seriously believe if they say so, if they just insist and repeat enough--even putting it to music, ho hoh oho--SUDDENLY it becomes true--because, again, these psychopaths insist.

And unfortunately, too many Christians have actually taken-up this sort of psychotic "philosophy"--"it's true, because we say so," ho hoho hohoh oh, pretending and insisting this is virtue of "faith," ho ho ho ho ho

Friday, October 3, 2014

satanic Jew filth and liars determined to defend kikes, ho ho ho ho ho

Below-copied by ap first published (subsequently deleted, ho ho ho ho) at comments,

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

Jew Liars Continue To Lie, Ho Ho Ho
(Apollonian, 3 Oct 14)

"One-born-brainless" fails to observe Jews are by definition Talmudists, and PROVES Jews are liars by himself saying Moses and Christ were Jews, ho ho hoh o ho

This, above (see below-copied by "one-born-brainless," ho ho ho) by "...brainless," is PERFECT example of Jew pushing Jew lies, proving my pt. about Jews, monsters, liars, criminals, and psychopaths.

Jew = Talmudist = liar, this in accord w. Gosp. JOHN 8:44.

So saying Jews are scum is simply observing proven fact of reality--and it's NOT NOT NOT "ad-hominem" fallacy, which is a fallacy regarding arguing given arguments, as I don't say any argument is wrong or false merely because it's Jew pushing it--I always judge and analyze argument on its own merits--and if this isn't true, then give an example.

For one to say one is Jew, hence Talmudist, or loyal to those who are Talmudists, is to similarly say, "I'm a psychopath," or "I'm a child-molester."


Keep talking, Jew liars, criminals, and psychopaths.


Jews Putting Up Almighty Effort To Defend Satanism, Jews
(Apollonian, 3 Oct 14)

And one needs merely ask oneself: who would defend Jews, psychopaths, monsters, criminals, murderers (or who sympathize therewith)?--only Jews--or perhaps those poor befuddled goyim morons who are deluded w. Jewwy prop., eh?

But WHO would intensively, determinedly defend kike monsters?--ONLY JEWS. Q.E.D.

Further, note what we have going here for this outstanding blog and comments section is an organized, ferocious, keen effort on behalf of kikes--WHO would do this but kikes?--or those lowlife, traitorous filth among gentiles? Ho ho ho ho ho ho ho

Keep talking to us, u kike scum.

-------------------------------------above by ap in response to below-copied-----------------------

Anonymous said : "That is rich. Apparently attacking someone because they are perceived to be drunk is ad hominem but attacking someone because they are a Jew is reasonable thinking."

Not quite right - calling someone a Jew [ with absolutely no proof except one's own delusions], is "reasonable thinking", and not ad hominem, whereas calling someone a drunk _is_ ad hominem :-).

But even if it were true in any particular case [that a person _was_ actually a jew, how does that disprove an argument they [the jew] might make? [beats me].

But according to the logic of this particular "person", merely calling someone a jew "proves" that that other person towards which the label was applied [with zero proof of truth, of course!], has nothing valuable or logical to contribute.

In other words, nothing but pure, unadulterated, attempted character assassination.

On the other hand, may I remind you, this same "person" claims to love _some_ jews [ie Moses, Christ, the 12 apostles] but to hate all the rest.

Yet another shining example of this jew haters, erm.... "logical consistency". :-)

Regards, onebornfree.

------------------------------------ap also responded below----------------------------

Keep trying kikes--to defending kikes--it's greatest fun kicking ur filthy satanic faces back into the mud whence u arose, eh? Ho ho ho ho ho ho

Thursday, October 2, 2014

ZOG satanistically kills 49 civilians in Pakistan for every drone strike by means of devilish "double-tap" technique....

Satanic "Double-Tap" Perfect For Murdering Civilians, Inducing Hatred Of USA
(Apollonian, 2 Oct 14)

Observe ZOG (Jew S A) mass-murders civilians, as in Pakistan, by means of the double-tap technique--sending a second missile after the first in order to kill those who respond to the first strike.  See

Israel loves it as Americans are then hated all the more for doing Israel's/Jews' dirty-work.

And hey, "it's all good," says Obongo (but really, the powers behind the monkey) as at

satanists work to kill more ebola victims by blocking colloidal silver treatments--lovely, eh?--all for the toxic vaccines put out by satanic big Pharm corp.s....

Satanic Scum Block Colloidal Silver Treatment For African Ebola Victims

Ck  So now WHO (world health org.), along w. some of the national gov.s there in the African stricken area, will not allow the victims to be treated w. colloidal silver, effectively killing them--why?--in order to boost sales for the murderous and toxic vaccines put out by the monopolist big-Pharma corps.