Thursday, October 9, 2014

satanic ZOG looks quite stupid, eh?--ordering HazMat suits, but then telling people not to worry, ho ho ho ho

If Ebola Is No Worry, Why Did ZOG Just Order 160,000 HazMat Suits?
(Apollonian, 9 Oct 14)

Satanic ZOG orders 160,000 HazMat suits specifically designed against ebola (see THEN tells the people, hey, don't worry about ebola?--wonder what's going on, eh?  Ho ho ho ho ho ho

The Jews-media knows something's wrong--see

Well, we KNOW ebola is a bio-weapon, ZOG owning numerous patents.  We also know behind ZOG is BIG-Pharma drug/vaccine monopolies, not to mention all the other fascist mattoids who want to dictate and put folks in FEMA camps.

So a plague is perfect pretext for ZOG declaring martial law dictatorship on eve of imminent currency collapse, etc.

Overall Christian patriot movement still needs much organization, surely, BUT it's still good opportunity for nullification/secession.

This latest ebola debacle is amazing spectacle of melt-down for ZOG--it's said Obongo & co. has really lost lots of approval rating, see

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