Tuesday, October 7, 2014

satanism, schizoids continue to standing firm, secure and confident in their santimony, unction....

Satanist ZOG Spokesman, Panetta, Spits Contempt, Endorses, Seconds, Confirms ISIS Pretext (Made By ZOG), Torture As Legitimate Source Of Info, Etc.
(Apollonian, 7 Oct 14)

Satanic henchman, Leon Panetta, comes-on w. Katie Couric to "clarify" (ho ho ho) ZOG's satanic prerogative for mass-murder, pretext of ISIS which was made by ZOG, and specifically TORTURE as a means of obtaining info.  See

Significantly, Panetta asserts--AGAINST the US Constituton--Pres. has right to do all this mass-murder, this along w. blithely asserting the KNOWN LIE to effect Syrian, Assad gov. was behind the poison-gas attack about a year ago over which Obongo wanted to launch air-strikes--which air-strikes were heavily protested by American people.

Satanistic Panetta insists Pres. should have gone ahead regardless w. air-strikes in contempt of the protests, not to mention Constitution--and not to mention the FACT it was satanic ZOG which actually did the gas-attack, as well as probable further attacks since.

HOW does this putrid, in-ur-face purest Satanism get-by?--it could only get past by means of the continuing existence of steadfast schizoids who remain self-righteous, even in the face of reality and facts--they don't care as they're sooooooooooooo righteous and filled w. moral unction.  Such is the power of HUBRIS and moralism/Pharisaism, never doubt.

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