Monday, October 6, 2014

satanism is subjectivism--numerology is just diversionary nonsense....

Below-copied by ap first published at comments,

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Numerology: Just Satanist-Inspired Nonsense Meaning Anything Jews Like
(Apollonian, 5 Oct 14)

Not sure where u’re trying to go w. all this numerologic nonsense, tiger.

Remember: satanism is simply hubris of SUBJECTIVISM–reality being merely what one observes within his own mind (Plato), denying an objective reality, objectivity requiring then validity of senses for info fm that outside, objective reality (Aristotle).

Subjectivism is necessary foundation of moralism/Pharisaism, insisting there’s “good-evil,” even though no objective criterion exists to be discovered or observed for such otherwise fallacious, delusionary “good-evil” known to Church as heresy of Pelagianism, according to St. Augustine.

Determinism (absolute cause-effect), following the objective reality, precludes a perfectly “free” human will–we’re all sinners, always have been, always will-be. But satanism emphasizes the perfectly “free” god-like human will.

Note also Christian Gosp. JOHN (14:6) affirms the Aristotelian reality, Christ = TRUTH TRUTH TRUTH above all/any other value or virtue (including “love,” “faith,” peace or “good”), against Jew lies (JOHN 8:44).

For note a lie is simply a subjectivist concoction, pretending to be objectively true. Jews uphold the subjectivist reality determined by “what’s good for Jews,” insisting God does miracles for them, God their slave and attack-dog who kills their enemies for them (as Passover and Purim holy-days for them).

Jews LOVE numerology–which always justifies and “means” anything they want.

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