Monday, October 20, 2014

ZOG is TOTALLY Insane, never doubt--something must give, soon, soon--so keep preaching that precious Christianity which has worked before for patriots, will again too, never doubt....

satanic ZOG Psychopaths Considers We, Scummy Citizens, Are Their "Bitches," Suckas
(Apollonian, 20 Oct 14)

Ck  ZOG FBI wanted to get this musselman to be informant, right?--but the musselman refused.  Oh?--well, so ZOG FBI then just up and framed him for a supposed crime--that'll show him, ho ho ho

They're (ZOG) TOTALLY INSANE, comrades, totally out-of-control, and SOMETHING has to give--and it will sooner or later.

So keep preaching that REAL Christianity, comrades, which is necessarily anti-semitic (anti-satanic), featuring worship of TRUTH TRUTH TRUTH (Gosp. JOHN 14:6) above all/any, the ONLY way to Godly happiness--AGAINST Jew lies (JOHN 8:44).

Dear Christianity is what worked for Christian patriots once before, as early 4th cent. Roman emp., and it can work again for that UNITY of spirit and emotion, the necessary basis of successful revolution, victory, rule-of-law, and precious freedom.

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