Tuesday, October 21, 2014

satanic ZOG has destroyed US economy, killed employment, etc.--so now what?--restrict food for homeless, naturally--what did u expect?....

satanists Work To Restrict Christian Food For Homeless
(Apollonian, 21 Oct 14)

Doubt satanists are consistent for logic?--observe (see now that they've destroyed US dollar and economy, they work sedulously to restrict food for the homeless--makes sense, right?

And this about starving the homeless, soon enough all the people, too, goes right along w. the "ebola czar," Jew, Klain, who explains he believes hey, there's just toooooo many people, esp. in Africa and Asia--toooo many gentiles, for sure--see

Note Klain isn't a doctor--he's "management" for the plague treatment, u see.  Purpose is, regardless whether ebola really does any damage or not--note ebola isn't a problem, evidently, for such as African country of Nigeria--to (a) push the poisonous vaccines, and (b) running the police-state and "swat-teams," mentioned by Obola, and taking people off to FEMA death-camps, clamping-down evermore upon people's rights and US Constitution, naturally.

Satanic/Jew logic is always soooooo consistent against the Jew-sponsored and -styled "Christians" who are always soooooo docile, stupid, compliant, and deferential to kikes and terror-state of Israel, etc., u notice--and lately to queers too, don't forget.

For REAL Christians heed to TRUTH (Christ--see Gosp. JOHN 14:6) above all, hence reason and honesty--they're anti-Semitic, hate queers, and hate lies and lying.

REAL Christians don't go along w. idea that "faith" trumps reason, reason integral part of Holy Spirit, "faith" only properly being LOYALTY, not primarily "believing" idiotic crap which makes no sense--this is the sort of "faith" of Jews who push lies and lying.

Removing kikes and ZOG will require removing of their foremost accomplices, the phonies of "Judeo-Christianity" (JC--see and for best expo on JCs), and this large process must accompany US Dollar collapse, primary weapon of ZOG, never doubt.

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