Sunday, October 26, 2014

Ap's dialectic w. satanist who squirms and wiggles

This dialectic w. satanist and ap first published at

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Satanist Is As Satanist Does
(Apollonian, 26 Oct 14)

What diff. does it make whether u "admit" anything, genius?--satanist is as satanist does, right? U defend Jews; Judaism is satanism; therefore, it's good evidence u're one, right? U want censorship, (a), and (b) u believe in hate-crime/hate-speech laws, etc.

U lie, pretending u're "expert" in Biblic literature.

U're satanist, as the inductive evidence is strong enough to make assumption. Task now is to dis-prove, but u just laugh, like satanist would, confirming.

As I've explained (see, satanism is really just extreme subjectivism whence u make urself out to being God--and u're certainly subjectivist, without doubt.

----------------------------above by ap in response to below-copied-------------------------------

"...So let's recap. If I admit that I'm in love … sorry, head over heels in love with Satan and all his little wizards, then you will remove my testicles with a blunt instrument resembling some kind of gardening tool and roast them over a large fire. Whereas if I don't admit that I'm head in love with Satan and all his little wizards, you will hold me upside down in a vat of warm marmalade … AND remove my testicles with a blunt instrument resembling some sort of gardening … Oh I see. Well, in that case, I love Satan."

--------------------------------above was response to below by ap------------------------------

Ho ho hoho--nigel, why bother posting?--u're just a homosexual, nihilist, satanist playing a game within ur own little head, eh? I'm humiliated, indeed, just for responding to such as u. Ho ho ho ho ho

---------------------------------above in response to below-copied---------------------

"A Christian soldier of truth"! That's wonderful!
Sorry, treacle, but you make it so easy to patronise. I'd hate to think I'm humilating you. Forgive me.

Unfortunately, the rest of your post there I cannot make head nor tail of. I looks like you charged me with being a "nihilist". Well, I suppose I'd lean more towards nihilism than your Christianity in many respects. Still, it seems far from accurate and you've probably gotten your words muddled up again. Am I right?

-----------------------------------above in response to below-copied-------------------------

Nigel K.: Satanist Zero, Fascist--Only Needs A Bullet--Or A Noose, Ho Ho Ho
(Apollonian, 26 Oct 14)

Nigel: u're just a patronizing, nihilistic, homosexual, fascist satanist who wants censorship, dictatorship, etc.--u're pretty worthless, lying, know-nothing sort, who NEVER has anything to say of any substance.

All u seem to want is for world's parents to hand over their children to such as u, etc. Why do u bother posting?

"What's it all about"?--just u and ur Jew and satanist buddies mass-murdering ur way through life, and now u here patronizing a Christian soldier of truth, pretending nothing means anything, u're "expert" on Biblic literature, etc., ho ho ho ho--u're just a joke who only need putting-away.

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