Tuesday, October 14, 2014

Here's simple truth comrades, easily verified: Judaism IS SATANISM, literally, without any doubt--just ck the Talmud for proof....

Judaism IS satanism--Get A Clue, To Save Ur Stupid Lives, Morons
(Apollonian, 14 Oct 14)

Judaism = Talmudism = subjectivism = satanism

What's OBVIOUS problem w. our world?--the entire world, but esp. USA--we have not only criminals, not only corrupt politicians, but absolute, outright SATANISTS--and they're out to kill u and us, fools--GET A CLUE, to save ur idiot, moronic lives, for goodness sakes.

These satanists control the money-supply--they just print it all up as they need to buy everything and nearly everyone.  US Federal Reserve Bank ("Fed") is literally just legalized COUNTERFEITING.

So WHAT are satanists?--well, they insist THEY'RE God, they create reality and truth--they're absolute SUBJECTIVISTS--only "reality" is that within their minds.  Naturally, these satanists are foremost criminals, esp. as they're most organized--like Jews who preach a collective subjectivism.

So we know satanists are leading criminals, heads of all organized crime, but how do we know Jews are leading satanists?--just ck the Talmud, their basic document; see and  And thus we see the equations, Judaism = Talmudism (by definition) = Satanism.

Thus Talmudism teaches subjectivism, that the word of God fm Torah means ONLY what Talmud "interprets," Talmud actually consisting of the two main parts, (a) "Mishnah" interpretation of Torah, then (b) the "Gemara" interpretation of Mishnah interpretation--that's right, the interpretation of the interpretation, literally--is that subjectivism?


  1. Merry Christmas from the old Pueblo Apster. ho ho ho

  2. Below-copied by ap first submitted at comments,

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    CYCLIC History And Inexorable satanic Corruption
    (Apollonian, 7 May 18)

    What's this?--Ajax Jewns ( says it ain't the kikes?--hoh o ho ho ho ho. But just ask urself--HOW could Ajax be sooo "successful" and rich if he wasn't suck-up and flack for Jews?

    So who/what is "destroying the world"? Just ck Oswald Spengler and his "Decline of the West," in which he notes the CYCLIC nature of hist. which follows the DETERMINIST (absolute cause-effect, no perfectly "free" human will) reality.

    Thus hist. is CYCLIC as many great historians, including Spengler, have noted. At first the culture/civilization arises due to excellent ancestors and original generations who grasp and follow the OBJECTIVE (Aristotle) nature of reality. Thus this/these founding, original generation(s) are honest, simple, productive people, brave and successful (at least lucky) in warfare.

    But by and by, after the initial civilization and traditions have been successful, a corrupting HUBRIS sets in, and these following generations become evermore SUBJECTIVE, especially in way of putrid moralism/Pharisaism, pretending to non-existent "good-evil," "good" the worst enemy of truth and honesty.

    Ultimately the most extreme form of this subjectivism arrives, called SATANISM, insisting reality is mere creation of consciousness/mentality, making oneself (the subject) to being God or Godly, the creator. Note nothing of this satanism is either mystic or even particularly religious--actually quite practical, understandable, and easily verified--following the indulgence in moralism/Pharisaism.

    But this satanism becomes most powerful, along w. the continuing corruption of the culture/society when such satanism becomes COLLECTIVIZED, collectivistic, and ORGANIZED--which is where and how our dear Jews come in--they're most activist, committed, and esp. ORGANIZED for their criminality and satanism, subjectivism being the foundation of lies, lying, and fraud--esp. in way of the ultimate criminal conspiracy, the CENTRAL-BANK, literally legalized counterfeiting--see for best expo.

    And all this about Jews and satanism is easily verified, the Talmud (see for just one good source) being monument to this satanic criminality and warfare against all humanity, reason, law, justice, etc.

    Thus Jews are natural leaders of satanism and the satanists who work so actively for power for power's sake over all humanity, this corrupted humanity encouraged to warfare, esp. for the sake of moralism/Pharisaism, as we see, esp. in way of "climate change," etc.

    Thus the satanists, hence Jews, the leaders, are like a disease, like leprosy, or plague, or typhus, which sets in among the corrupt, hubristic humanity and culture to extermination and removal of the corrupted inferiors and weaklings--all this in CYCLIC manner, as we see verified in history.
