Tuesday, October 14, 2014

satanists setting-up for next hit on the puke--excuse me, the precious "people," ho ho ho ho--Fools gotta die, u know, ho ho ho ho, according to Puzo....

Satanic ZOG Setting-Up For Next Rip-Offs, Of Money & Rights
(Apollonian, 14 Oct 14)

Well, here we go for the next hits on the morons--those lovely fellow citizens of ours, like the schizoid scum (see ref. essay, right-hand margin, this site for expo on schizoids).

First, there's this: it's Brad Pitt, total "insider"--his wife, Jolie, is formal member of CFR (Council on Foreign Relations), no less,

But what is this (regarding Pitt) really?--it's idiot blithely taking the bait for the set-up, as U KNOW what's gonna happen, soon, soon--there'll be a false-flag and Pitt then will dramatically RENOUNCE guns, gun-ownership, "consp.-theories," etc.  U know this as u KNOW how the satanists operate--only surprise is if it doesn't happen.

Think I'm wrong?--well, ck this:; it's ZOG and Jew world order getting ready, preparing ANOTHER rip-off, a "bail-in" whence they take money out of people's accounts like they did in Cyprus a year and a half ago,

The excuse is, "gee, we need ur money to save the banking system"--a system which is programmed to go bust anyway--as that's necessary ending.  So the idea is to rip-off the morons (the dear "people") as they do so--LITERALLY to destroying the people--after all, the dumb bastards will put-up with it, eh?--so they DESERVE IT, the satanists consider--get it?--it's a lot like the story in "Atlas Shrugged," by the kikess, Ayn Rand, a very good story about "death-worshippers," just as Rand literally notes, for which she deserves much credit for (a) honesty, unusual for a Jew, and (b) simply most accurate fore-casting and psychologic characterization.

What's a patriot, like me, for instance, to do?--it's very sad, watching it all set-up to happening, and helpless to doing anything about it, but for warning people, which they won't listen to, alas.

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