Friday, October 3, 2014

satanic Jew filth and liars determined to defend kikes, ho ho ho ho ho

Below-copied by ap first published (subsequently deleted, ho ho ho ho) at comments,

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Jew Liars Continue To Lie, Ho Ho Ho
(Apollonian, 3 Oct 14)

"One-born-brainless" fails to observe Jews are by definition Talmudists, and PROVES Jews are liars by himself saying Moses and Christ were Jews, ho ho hoh o ho

This, above (see below-copied by "one-born-brainless," ho ho ho) by "...brainless," is PERFECT example of Jew pushing Jew lies, proving my pt. about Jews, monsters, liars, criminals, and psychopaths.

Jew = Talmudist = liar, this in accord w. Gosp. JOHN 8:44.

So saying Jews are scum is simply observing proven fact of reality--and it's NOT NOT NOT "ad-hominem" fallacy, which is a fallacy regarding arguing given arguments, as I don't say any argument is wrong or false merely because it's Jew pushing it--I always judge and analyze argument on its own merits--and if this isn't true, then give an example.

For one to say one is Jew, hence Talmudist, or loyal to those who are Talmudists, is to similarly say, "I'm a psychopath," or "I'm a child-molester."


Keep talking, Jew liars, criminals, and psychopaths.


Jews Putting Up Almighty Effort To Defend Satanism, Jews
(Apollonian, 3 Oct 14)

And one needs merely ask oneself: who would defend Jews, psychopaths, monsters, criminals, murderers (or who sympathize therewith)?--only Jews--or perhaps those poor befuddled goyim morons who are deluded w. Jewwy prop., eh?

But WHO would intensively, determinedly defend kike monsters?--ONLY JEWS. Q.E.D.

Further, note what we have going here for this outstanding blog and comments section is an organized, ferocious, keen effort on behalf of kikes--WHO would do this but kikes?--or those lowlife, traitorous filth among gentiles? Ho ho ho ho ho ho ho

Keep talking to us, u kike scum.

-------------------------------------above by ap in response to below-copied-----------------------

Anonymous said : "That is rich. Apparently attacking someone because they are perceived to be drunk is ad hominem but attacking someone because they are a Jew is reasonable thinking."

Not quite right - calling someone a Jew [ with absolutely no proof except one's own delusions], is "reasonable thinking", and not ad hominem, whereas calling someone a drunk _is_ ad hominem :-).

But even if it were true in any particular case [that a person _was_ actually a jew, how does that disprove an argument they [the jew] might make? [beats me].

But according to the logic of this particular "person", merely calling someone a jew "proves" that that other person towards which the label was applied [with zero proof of truth, of course!], has nothing valuable or logical to contribute.

In other words, nothing but pure, unadulterated, attempted character assassination.

On the other hand, may I remind you, this same "person" claims to love _some_ jews [ie Moses, Christ, the 12 apostles] but to hate all the rest.

Yet another shining example of this jew haters, erm.... "logical consistency". :-)

Regards, onebornfree.

------------------------------------ap also responded below----------------------------

Keep trying kikes--to defending kikes--it's greatest fun kicking ur filthy satanic faces back into the mud whence u arose, eh? Ho ho ho ho ho ho

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