Monday, October 20, 2014

satanist ZOG created ebola bio-weapon, the "problem," and now their solution?--poisonous vaccines, death camps....

Confirmed: satanic ZOG Developed Ebola As Bio-Weapon, Targeting Blacks
(Apollonian, 20 Oct 14)

Ck  Thus we have ZOG to thank for development of ebola as weapon--to terrorize us all, no doubt to encourage us to getting their poisoned vaccines.

Once again, it goes to show ZOG, our own gov., is our worst enemy--they're the ones behind all the terror, behind ISIS, behind al-Qaeda--they did 9/11, like they killed JFK, etc.

So what did u expect when they brought in legalized COUNTERFEITING (central-banking of US Federal Reserve--see for expo) whence they just push-out all the money they want or need, the suckers, morons, and schizoid puke imagining it "helps" the economy, etc.?

So now ZOG is going to be INCREASING the police-state, now w. additional "SWAT"-type patrols rounding-up folks to send to concentration death camps.  See

Gad, but as I've noted--if people are really stupid enough to sit-still for all this, then they DESERVE to die, eh?--that's ZOG's purpose, anyway, they creating problem, the ebola plague, having the "solution" all ready for us, death camps.

So preach the real, anti-semitic Christianity, states-rights, nullification, and emphasis on primacy of local gov.

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