Tuesday, November 19, 2019

satanic "deep-state" MUST conceal its secret weapon, the central-bank, which is a losing struggle, evermore difficult....

"Deep-State"--MUST Conceal It's Secret Weapon, The Central-Bank, A Losing Struggle
(Apollonian, 19 Nov 19)

The central-bank (the "fed"--see Mises.org for expo; use their site search-engine for particular terms) is the dirty little secret at the bottom of the "deep-state" subject matter which is now most topical regarding the brazen assault being made against President Trump. Hence deep-state must conceal the central-bank at all costs and it can do this by means of fact Trump is himself just another creature of the deep-state, in all truth.

For Trump is mere figure-head for Israel-first faction of deep-state, which faction also makes use of central bank. So the truth is there are two things going-on regarding "impeachment": (a) the discovery of the deep-state, the "globalist" (leftist-atheist) faction striving to remove Trump. And (b) at same time deep-state must conceal central-bank (c) which it does by means of the Israel-first faction necessarily co-operating for this concealment. (d) Israel-first faction also conceals that Trump is part of deep-state as he works for Israel-first, which is itself part of deep-state, running the central-bank.

So the people are benefitted by fact that the topmost conspirators, the deep-state, is conflicted, a necessary event, and indeed, the ONLY HOPE the stupid, over-populated goons, called "the people," have against this fearsome, murderous, satanic deep-state composed of communist "globalists" and psychopathic Israel-first factions. Heretofore, deep-state operated safely, the two factions cooperating far more readily.

Notice also deep-state is headed and organized by Jews, Jews simply being most collectivistic of all, aside fm being most subjectivistic, most satanic. Thus Jews head and direct the two factions, leftist "globalist," and the pretend "rightist" Israel-first faction, led by figure-head, Trump, which thus includes establishment "Christian" façade.

And Jews are old hands at confusing and obfuscating their conspiratorial role and function, but they have the problem now of explaining the "deep-state"--their latest quandary for lies and lying--luckily for them they control the Jews-media which has always taken care of the propaganda and cognitive dissonance programs against the over-populated goons and morons.

So, as noted, such now are the ominous circumstances for Jews, Satanists, deep-state, and central-bank--and the beckoning opportunity for patriots and Christians for continuing exposure of the large satanic conspiracy against the people, the "deep-state" under the "spotlight," struggling desperately against exposure of the central-bank scam.

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