Wednesday, November 20, 2019

Hoffman: gross victim of hubris and envy of unc' Adolf, merely wants to display moralism/Pharisaism, above all....

Below-copied essay by ap first submitted at comments, https://revisionistreview.blogspot.c...ook-enemy.html

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Hoffman, Victim Of Gross Hubris, Envy, Merely Wants To Display Moralism Above All
(Apollonian 20 Nov 19)

Dr. Pat Flanagan (see https://revisionistreview.blogspot.c...ook-enemy.html ) wants and tries to puff his buddy, M. A. Hoffman II and his new book, "Adolf Hitler: Enemy of the German People," but there are serious problems which Flanagan cannot resolve, indeed cannot even conceive, evidently.

For in the first place, note Hoffman's basic spiritual circumstances and orientation: (a) Hoffman is first and most A MORALIST, featuring the non-existent "good-evil," for children and dogs--known as the Pelagian heresy. Hoffman isn't really interested in the actual facts and TRUTH (= Christ, Gosp. JOHN 14:6), so it's questionable and doubtful if Hoffman is really even Christian, as a Christian worships TRUTH above all--not idiotic moralism which must be built upon basic facts of OBJECTIVE reality.

(b) And Hitler was genuinely loved and revered by the German volk, and millions and millions others of all races, as he strove to speaking the truth about Jews, who are actually just Satanists, Satanism being at root simply extreme subjectivism which makes consciousness the creator of all reality, the Jews dominating the goyim subjectivists who pretend to "good-evil," like Hoffman, as Jews are foremost COLLECTIVISTS, hence collectivistic subjectivists, most organized and cohesive, naturally leading all the more isolated and "individualist" subjectivists and moralists like Hoffman.

Hoffman actually envies the Jews, thus Hoffman analyzed the Jew Talmud and exposed it for the essentially satanic document it really is--that's why Jews soooo hate Hoffman, and now Hoffman, thoroughly intimidated by these Jews, wants to make a gesture of sympathy by way of this horrible pack of lies he writes-up now about dear unc' Adolf who so well defied, denounced, reviled, and told truth about Jews directly, without any compromises, best he could. So we see Hoffman actually envies dear unc' Adolf and the heroic Nazi Germans who fought the Jews, uncompromisingly.

And now let's cut to the simple, specific (existential) truths and facts, beginning w. most basic, of which Flanagan and Hoffman are sooo hopelessly and foolishly ignorant--which lots of people actually see and know well.

For Germany was attacked, hunted, targeted, stalked, and finally struck and assailed in the last instance by Poland and UK (and France) which first made an offensive alliance against Germany in March 1939, and then without Germany having done anything against UK and France, had war declared against her by UK and France in Sep. 1939--these are easily observed and acknowledged simple facts which many people well understand.

Long before, in 1914, Germany had been targeted and indirectly attacked by a conspiracy of UK, France, and Czarist Russia after the Austrian Archduke was assassinated by Serbia acting at behest of Russia and France who assured Serbia they need not fear consequences of such gross, blatant, criminal aggression.

Germany and the Kaiser, Wilhelm, strove earnestly to urge the Czar not to mobilize his armies, but the Czar had been instigated too well by France and UK, including the Czarist officials, Sazanov and Isvolsky, and Germany was forced to react in accord w. long-standing alliance w. Austria. See "Hidden History...," by Docherty and MacGregor; ck their website, UK was terrified by growing German naval power, otherwise destined to overtake the Brits. France wanted Alsace-Lorraine, and the stupid Czar was assured he'd get Constantinople and the straits.

Thus Germany was attacked once again in 1939, and when unc' Adolf realized the overwhelming bolshevik forces arrayed against him and his allies, 170 divisions (or so) and numerous airfields right on the border, with yet another huge echelon of at least 70 more divisions close behind, he found he had no other choice but a pre-emptive assault--just as Victor Suvorov (Rezun) noted in "Icebreaker," and which all historians acknowledge--these are the stubborn facts and truths which Flanagan and Hoffman abhor in their satanic hatred of heroic Germany led by dear unc' Adolf.

Regarding Gregor Strasser, one can truthfully say that circumstances aren't clear enough to speak w. too much assurance about what actually happened, and Flanagan certainly gives no clear accounting. Hoffman merely wants, as always for him, a pretext to display his typical Pharisaic moralism, not to mention ENVY, to condemn the hero, unc' Adolf, who surely did what he honestly thought he had to do.

St. Constantine the Great executed his son by his first wife, his second wife, and his nephew, the son of imperial rival, Licinius, but the Church still made Constantine a Saint--it can well do similarly for unc' Adolf who did the best he could, surely the ONLY things he could under the difficult and overwhelming circumstances, attacked by the satanic "allies" of the West, led by blood-thirsty, psychopathic Jews who controlled, and still control, the finances of the West and indeed, the entire world, as we see. Jews naturally hate "Protocols of Learned Elders of Zion" because it expresses the truth and instructs the otherwise clueless goyim.

So much for Flanagan and Hoffman, mere moralistic dwarves and mental pygmies compared w. heroic unc' Adolf Hitler, Hoffman grossly ignorant about so many things, beginning w. meaning of Christian anti-Satanism, hence obligatory anti-Semitism (just ck Gosp. JOHN 8:44), ignorant of basic, simple facts of history, and including economics, money and banking, and the original meaning of "usury" as given in Old Testament--God could NEVER have forbidden mere lending at interest, which is not, and could not be, meaning of "usury," which subject Hoffman made such a fool of himself for having written an entire book on the matter which now screams out Hoffman's gross incompetence, ignorance, and miserable self-righteousness--his latest, "Adolf Hitler...," is just another putrid dud.

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