Friday, January 27, 2017

Pathetic to watch these cowardly phonies (like Trump) cringing before terrorism of kike filth who control things in EMPIRE OF LIES....

Trump Feeds satanists, Jews, Trump Totally Terrorized
(Apollonian, 27 Jan 17)

All u have to do is see in which Trump cringes before idea he's made out to being "racist" (ohhhhh noooooooo)--as if niggers have to be duly "respected" and paid homage. So we see Trump willingly, mindlessly plays the Jew/satanist game whence "racism" (which is merely loyalty to people and ancestors, according to dictionary) is equated w. non-existent "evil" within this great Jew S A, empire of LIES.

Thus Jews rule empire of lies, led now by their newest front-man, Trump, Trump having replaced the "globalist," Obola, along w. his suck-alongs like Ajax Jewns (, Jewns pushing "good-evil" delusion held by sooooo goddam many scum, fools, and dumbasses, so over-populated in this degenerate empire of putridity.

So we see Jews continue to rule Jew S A, it being mere game btwn "good" kikes vs. "bad" kikes--and this will continue long as central-bank continues. And central bank will continue long as there's so many stupid puke over-populating Jew S A, not grasping there's big diff. btwn real "money" (hence gold silver being best--see for expo) and mere currency manufactured by the central bank, literally legalized counterfeiting.

The sad pt. is that long as there's this central bank, legalized counterfeiting, continuing to manufacturing "currency," SATANISM WILL CONTINUE TO GROW, dumbasses (satanism defined as extreme subjectivism). And thus most horrific catastrophe is inevitable. With Jews u lose, morons; get a clue, fools.

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