Sunday, January 1, 2017

Mr. Goody has satanic difficulty for down-playing Christianity, but then saying one should rather practice such Christianity, hmmmmmmm....

Below-copied essay by ap first published at comments,

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Mr. Goody's Feathers Are All Ruffled As He's Exposed As Hypocrite
(1 Jan 2017)

Mr. Goody again presumes, in one place, at least, to understanding the "teachings" of Christ, and asserts I'm "disconnected" therefrom, ho ho ho.

But Mr. Goody, u don't seem to understand the "teachings" of Christ. So far as we understand, u have nothing but contempt for Christ (= truth), his teachings, Christians, and Christianity. Hence HOW can u "reconcile"?--and regarding the very "division" u pt'd up, aren't u the problem?--why do u suck-along w. satanism/subjectivism hence enemies of USA, properly understood?

So is it my fault u hate TRUTH (= Christ)?--that's my "comm. method," sucker, truth. So if there's something not truthful, then say what it is.

In ur very next sentence, u essentially admit u don't grasp "teachings" of Christ when u say, "whatever that is," ho ho ho

Then the little girl gets nasty and says I should "ram" what he calls "religion," ho ho ho ho.

But it isn't "religion," sucker--and u're a liar. I speak (write) to u in simple matter-of-fact terms. U're an anti-Christ, as u've essentially admitted, and U'RE THE PROBLEM, as I've noted, sucking-along w. the satanic traitors and criminals who are behind all the "chem-trail" spraying, etc.

But we see why u get angry as u pretend to being "good" in ur usual hypocrital manner, but then u're confronted w. the actual facts, u being sympathetic w. the satanists who do the "chem-trail" spraying.

-------------above by ap in response to below-copied by Mr. Goody-----------

Anonymous Jan 1, 2017, 3:29:00 PM


So, in other words, if someone is unedumacated,and they haven't been "adjusted" in some way according to your standards - they are somehow deficient in pointing out your disconnect with Christ and Christ's teachings, although you take Christianity as a shield with which to defend your horrible communications methods.

That sounds VERY Christian to me, as most Christians are exactly like you - whatever that is - mean, intolerant and condescending.

Take your religion and ram it up your ****.

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