Saturday, March 26, 2016

JR is actually rather startled to find there's substance to his complaints/complaining....

Below-copied essay by ap first published at comments,

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JR Actually Startled At Enormity Of Truth Of His Complaints
(Apollonian, 26 Mar 16)

See JR, u seem to be somewhat startled to find there's actually something existential (that exists) and even demonstrable at the heart of all ur complaints and complaining which u do in ur blogging here, eh?

In general, that object of ur complaints and complaining would surely be communistic (in style), one world gov., working then for actual genocide which it essentially admits in way of "pop.-reduction" (agenda-21 and agenda UN-2030), this then demonstrated and applied, as we see, in way of toxic vaccines, GMO foods, and the other poisonous food-additives, HFCS (high fructose corn syrup), the glyphosates, and the effects of electro-magnetic radiation, poison "chem-trails," etc.

What, psychologically and even philosophically is at heart of all this institution of mass-murder (including by slow-motion methods)?--that would be "satanism" by the verifiable extreme subjectivism, subjectivism understood as the idea that everything proceeds fm the consciousness, pretext for this subjectivism then given by moralism, the idea of "good-evil," which cannot be defended except by means of subjectivism, which is rather irrational, even mystical, but which "good-evil" is desperately, insanely, and psychotically insisted upon nonetheless.

This satanism then is further demonstrated and conditioned by means of history understood as something CYCLIC in nature, as I've noted so often, in accord w. Oswald Spengler and "Decline of the West," for another example, the corrupt generation eventually arising fm original heroes and pioneers, the original principles and ideals now overthrown in name of moralism.

Central banking then is crucial specific mechanism/instrument acting as means of finance and funding for this satanic program. And finally, we have the Jews as that specific tribe of satanists, subjectivists, moralists, and bankers, including enforcers who make it all work. And of course, Jews have their helpers, allies, enablers, and "useful idiots" who make way for them, running interference for them, including "metro-sexuals," but also especially those amazing creatures, the "Judeo-Christians" (JCs--see and for expo) who are most numerous.

But overall, it isn't something, this satanism and satanic conspiracy and network, really too difficult to grasp and discern--it only needs be understood, and becomes evermore clear as things become more desperate and closer to the end of the CYCLIC process when the serious and more overt mass-killing is scheduled to starting.

And note once again, it isn't difficult to grasping for basic philosophy, extreme subjectivism actually easy to understand, the only anomaly being the basic premise, subjectivism, is provided by means of the moralism which is first-of-all insisted upon--the child's "good-evil," it all induced in backwards fashion, the conclusion, moralism, leading to insistence upon the premise, subjectivism.

For note how it goes: FIRST the moralists insist upon the "good-evil," and only then, once this is established and held within the mind, is the actual subjectivism broached as the foundation, thus the satanism, making oneself God.

Thus JR is merely taken rather aback at the actual grounding and manifestation of substance of his complaints/complaining which he does and has done--JR never realized how actually right he was, the satanic monster now in everyone's face so quickly, so brazenly now.

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