Thursday, March 31, 2016

JR, in grips of satanist mentality, psychosis, terrified of truth, reality....

Below-copied by ap first published at comments,

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JR: Intimidated, Terrorized By Truth, Reality
(Apollonian, 31 Mar 16)

"omg" -JR, Mar 31, 2016, 9:22:00 PM

Important thing to note, JR, is reality is (a) objective (Aristotle), (b) determined (absolute cause-effect, no perfectly "free" human will), (c) hence CYCLIC.

Thus the successful civilization, as of Romans and Americans, inevitably breeds-up INFERIORS and weaklings who betray ancestors, by means of HUBRIS, pretending to subjectivist, "free" human will by way of achieving "good," hence the socialist "do-good" tyranny, by means of central-banking.

Look at u, for example, JR: u cannot/will not grasp Jew S A is now TOTALLY gone and doomed, the currency (not real "money") utterly destroyed, having been now in the grip of satanists and satanism of central-banking for OVER a hundred yrs.

What now to do w. u OVER-POPULATED goons, weaklings, and inferiors?--u MUST be exterminated in order for real, healthy humanity to have chance of existence/survival. Thus u're doomed to war and starvation, and humanity must work to avoid u and ur handi-work.

U'RE THE PROBLEM, JR. And it's no one else's fault, for u're psychotically obsessed WORSE than the most "faithful" Christian or anyone of any religion.

Observe ur love of, obsession w. lies, pretending Bill of Rights is anything but PRODUCT of Christian-rationalist civilization. Need anything more be said? U're hopeless and rational humanity must leave u to ur fate.

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