Friday, September 18, 2015

satanism is not mystical, not rocket-science, not difficult to grasp--it's extreme subjectivism, simple eh?....

Below-copied by ap first published at comments,

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Fetzer And Truth Movement's GROSS Failure Of Philosophy And Induction, Submergence In Minutiae
(Apollonian, 18 Sep 15)

I don't say Fetzer, and others, are wrong for taking due note of the items and details--where they fail horribly, grossly, and most significantly is in the generalization (induction) and philosophy which is absolutely necessary.

For as I've noted, the 9/11 conspiracy is truly an OUTRAGEOUS conspiracy--it's nothing less than satanic, and I've defined this satanism very precisely--extreme subjectivism, the hubristic making oneself God, creating reality. This isn't mere "spiritualism," even if it is abstract, product of induction.

Further, note this satanism isn't only well and perfectly defined, it's actually noted and observed by many--as in the "hip-hop" music and entertainment industry, and even for hitlery Clinton's apparent immunity for same and even worse alleged violations and prosecution as was done to Gen. Petraeus and most notoriously to many "whistle-blowers" on "nat. security" pretext.

So Fetzer and Truthers are failing HORRIBLY, miserably, signally, and it's precisely because they won't and refuse to pt. to the obvious problem of satanism, extreme subjectivism, and the cultural hubris and decadence which is masking the conspiracy, keeping people's attn. diverted and distracted--just as George Bush warned about.

And it's easy to identify the arbiters of this cultural satanism (extreme subjectivism), first in the mass-corp. "news"-media, but then also in the public edjumacation and judicial establishment which promotes it, as in the very recent pushing of the homosexual agenda.

Who is behind this deliberate satanism, hubris, and extreme subjectivism?--is it so difficult to identify them and name them?--no, of course not, not at all--that's the tragedy, and that's precisely where and how Fetzer and truthers fail for philosophy and induction, submerged and diverted in minutiae as we see they are and seem to prefer to being and doing.

All Fetzer and truthers need do is to use inductive logic and generalization, pt-ing to the OBVIOUS satanism and extreme subjectivism, easily defined, and actually well-noted by many. Isn't the satanism being used in very pointed manner for deliberate purpose?--and isn't hitlery Clinton a great beneficiary of this gross corruption and confusion?--an excellent specific case in pt.?

Truth movement understandably relies on such presumed philosophicals as Fetzer who so utterly fails for this necessary INDUCTION. For note it's good enough to pt. to this well-understood and -observed satanism, keeping in mind the simple definition, extreme subjectivism. It's great and horrible travesty if philosophicals like Fetzer continue proverbial fiddling in minutiae as Rome burns.

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