Thursday, September 10, 2015

Dialectic w. a subjectivist moron--can't figure-out Bill of Rights comes fm objectivity, Christian culture....

Below-copied dialectic first produced at comments,

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JR Admits He Makes No Sense
(Apollonian, 9 Sep 15)

Isn't reality either-or? How can a thing both be and not be at same time and same respect? Does non-contradiction (logic) exist or not? By pretending objectivity is same as subjectivity--or that they both exist at same time, don't u simply say things are subjective?--anything goes.

So all ur complaints made in ur topic article, above are phony and totally un-founded by ur own admission--as u endorse the very principle, subjectivism, which ZOG makes use of.

And I explained to u "media" is mere creature of the Fed COUNTERFEITERS who own and control everything--u could no more change "media" than the psychopath, satanic powers that control such.
U're just babbling and talking for sake of hearing urself talk, and now it's just blatant nonsense in which u reject logic, asserting both logic and non-logic exist and are valid at same time.


AnonymousSep 9, 2015, 1:40:00 PM
As usual you are lapsing into another of your fits - that's OK - take a few breaths....
Just because you can't see something doesn't mean that it isn't there. Just because I can see and recognize that something is there does not mean I necessarily like what I am seeing.
Sometimes adults must come to uncomfortable conclusions. That's just the way it is.
I didn't say logic and non-logic exist at the same time - you said that. What I said were that subjectivity and objectivity co-exist. Perhaps you are not perceptive enough to see this - or perhaps you can see my point and refuse to admit it to yourself. That's a difficult place to be I'd say...

Reality: Either Objective Or Subjective, PERIOD
(Apollonian, 9 Sep 15)

Reality is either objective or it is subjective, PERIOD--either-or.  If u say they both "co-exist," then that's same as saying it's subjective.

And as subjectivism is basis of satanism, u endorsing subjectivism, u forfeit right to complain about ZOG satanism.  And all ur statements are just nonsense and babbling.  U're ur own worst enemy.


AnonymousSep 9, 2015, 7:56:00 PM
I'm not unique, we may all be our own worst enemy ha ha.
But that would be a blanket statement...
Anyway - yes - reality does exist, but the problem I'm trying to point out is that it is never, and yes I mean NEVER perceived identically from any two viewpoints. I'm not going to get into the anti-universe where gravity is balanced. But these varying viewpoints lead to the problems of humanity. So, yes to answer your question, reality does exist.

If Reality Exists, Then It Must Be Objective, According To Own Nature
(Apollonian, 9 Sep 15)

Note metaphysics (first premises/philosophy) is abstract and not matter of "perception."  And as first premise, no possible premise preceding, then it has to be assumption, incapable of proof.

So therefore if reality exists, it must exist in a definite manner (objectivity), whatever/however that may be, hence determined in accord w. absolute cause-effect, no perfectly "free" human will.

So again, if u agree/admit reality exists, aren't u saying it's necessarily objective, yes or no?

CYCLIC Course Of Determined History, Inexorable Western "Decline"
(Apollonian, 10 Sep 15)

Thus, JR, u PERFECTLY demonstrate the problem: subjectivism and HUBRIS, ur wanting to pretend to God-like powers of perfectly "free" human will by which u imagine u "create" reality.

Problem then is SATANISM, extreme subjectivism by which one makes oneself God--even if u urself deny u're deliberately practicing such satanism.  Fact remains there are those far more ruthless than u, willing to knowingly promote this satanism upon the usual pretext of non-existent "good," which fallacious "good" so fascinates and befuddles so many suckers, fools, and goons among the masses who allow the satanism to definitively take-over, commandeering the culture especially and definitively by means of the currency-creation and legalized COUNTERFEITING of US Fed, the powers behind which thus owning all the establishment "mass-media," manipulating people's emotions, thoughts, etc.

And the pt. then is this satanism and hubris is simply a CYCLIC process whence a formerly successful culture first founded and built by genuinely HONEST, and objectively-oriented Christians is progressively corrupted and dissipated by the following generations evermore perverted w. hubris and over-populated.

And ONLY "solution" to such overwhelming cultural hubris and corruption is horror and grim warfare by which this over-populated scum are sufficiently killed-off by whatever means, the surviving remnants only then allowed to perhaps picking-up the pieces to beginning the cultural CYCLE anew.

Only hope for mankind is the sort of cultural revival, such as it was, by St. Constantine the Great, early 4th cent. Roman empire, by means of the Christian revolution, Christ standing for TRUTH (Gosp. JOHN 14:6), thus the implicit objective reality.


AnonymousSep 10, 2015, 1:51:00 PM
I disagree. A Christian revolution? Are you mad?
Christians don't follow the teachings of Christ - so how can we identify them? The identification of a Christian is as difficult as the identification of a Jew - impossible - and both them, throw the Muslims in too - all violent religious fanatics.
Why not stick to common principles we can all agree upon - like the Bill of Rights. The Bill of Rights is inclusive and helps bring people together. These religions are divisive - always turning to guns because the other guy doesn't believe in the correct God.

Hubris: That Madness Of "Whom Gods Would Destroy"
(Apollonian, 10 Sep 15)

U're just a subjectivist, upon which subjectivistic, made-up and fictional reality u found ur lies.  In order to "identify" Christians u'd first have to grasp an objective reality, right?--which u can't even begin to grasp, evidently.

In case u didn't know, Bill of Rights is EXCLUSIVE product of Christian civilization, u poor, brainless, pathetic, subjectivistic fool.

Like I say, history is CYCLIC, and we're just too over-populated presently w. subjectivistic morons like u.  So Christian patriots must work, much as possible for Christian rev., this in midst of the inexorable historic, CYCLIC process.

U ask, above: "[w]hy not stick to common principles...?"--because, as one sees fm above, U DON'T UNDERSTAND "PRINCIPLES," incapable as u evidently are of grasping the either-or nature of reality, objective or subjective.  For objectivity necessarily underlies Bill of Rights, as it does logic, reason, and science.

U pretend to understand Christianity as u slander it, not observing Christ stands for TRUTH (Gosp. JOHN 14:6) against Jew lies and subjectivism (JOHN 8:44), "truth" not possible without objective reality.

U're incapable of combatting satanism (extreme subjectivism) as u profess the very basic principle itself, subjectivism, pretending u're God, capable of changing reality--w. the gall to talking about "common principles" like Bill of Rights.

There's none so blind as those who refuse to see, JR, and u're CLASSIC example, the very nub of the problem of which u complain.

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