Friday, April 13, 2012

Once again, suckers: culture of lies, featuring the US Fed, leads to culture of DEATH--get a clue

Remember that "what's coming" much depends on what's ALREADY here. And what do we have here, now, already?--TORTURE--ck this story by Alex Jones',

In the article, above-cited, by InfoWars, there's a video of establishment puke literally TORTURING a poor, autistic kiddo--for what great crime?--he refused to take off his coat ("dis-obedience," I guess--failing to comply w. our lords and masters), was then deemed "aggressive," which then gave the pyschopathic scum excuse to putting him on a RACK--literally (see the vid)--and then torture him by taser, 31 times, over several (seven) hrs. This is what our cess-pool of an empire of a country has come to, dumb-asses--u better start to getting a clue, fools.

It's like what Ayn Rand wrote about in her great book, "Atlas Shrugged," we are now ruled by DEATH-WORSHIPPERS, literally--and they're going to kill people now on massive scale, which genocide has already been announced and confirmed, like by MIT (Mass. Inst. of Tech.). See

Again: note that the culture of LIES--like esp. the fraud of the US Federal Reserve Bank (Fed) COUNTERFEIT--leads to the culture of DEATH DEATH DEATH--just as Ayn Rand so brilliantly and presciently predicted and described, bless her soul.

Thus we need the REAL Christianity, worship of TRUTH TRUTH TRUTH (Gosp. JOHN 14:6), just for starters.

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