Saturday, April 21, 2012

Circumstances Of Present Cultural "Decline of the West," and How Patriots MUST proceed--rallying against criminals

So what's happening, eh?--US Dollar is doomed to collapse; Lindsey Williams (ck says it will collapse THIS YEAR. Things are certainly getting worse, fairly rapidly, economically and politically.

And out of this collapse, mayhem, and horrific break-down (don't doubt electrical system will go down, dumbasses), the New World Order (NWO) puke think they're gonna impose their dictatorship in guise of martial-law upon excuse of fighting "terrorism" (which US gov. and Israeli MOSSAD is perpetrating).

Can it (the planned economic collapse) be stopped?--maybe, but we can't be too sure, and note it's very problematical as it's soooooooooooooooooooooooo hard to get people together, they're soooo goddam confused, dis-informed, and dis-united, the dumb bastards.

If we look at things politically, we see Ron Paul is actually doing pretty well, but so far, Paul only has a small, even though growing, plurality--there are still more people who are dis-connnected and dis-united, the poor fools.

So, in general, we patriots can only continue to unite and rally our people on basis of two general things, (a) Christianity (which surely needs definition), and (b) anti-criminals, these criminals Identified as the Fed COUNTERFEITERS who constitute the master-minds at the top leading others, including a significant number of dupes who follow along.

Further, it's surely good to identify the trends we're working against, these being, in general, the metro-sexuals and "trendies" on the one hand, these being understood more as "leftist"-oriented (a), and (b) the "Judeo-Christian" (JC--see and for expo/ref.) fools and morons, on the "right," who imagine Christ was a Jew, and Jews are just versions/variations of "Christian," the dumb, brainless bastards.

Observe the irony that these two significant groups on left and right actually oppose one another, most or quite often, but both ultimately are successfully led-by-the-nose by the Fed powers who intimidate them into accepting dictatorship on the premise of "fighting terror and terrorism"--esp. against Muslims.

Another significant common attribute of these two significant groups of dupes is they believe in "faith"--not the real, legitimate thing which actually means LOYALTY--the childish idea that if they merely "believe" in something it becomes actually true.

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