Sunday, September 4, 2016

People are getting the idea: satanism isn't pretty, and Trump looks good by contrast, simply by keeping steady....

satanists, Fronted By Hitlery, Are Not Having Too Easy Time Against Trumpster
(Apollonian, 4 Sep 16)

Slowly but steadily the realization is dawning upon the poor morons of Jew S A that they're going to have imposed upon them a blatant, outright CRIMINAL, psychopath, and satanist, hitlery Clinton, and this will be done by blatant, outright criminal fraud and election-rigging. And there's nothing the poor, stupid morons can or will do about it--at least so the satanic masterminds seriously seem to imagine--Jews-media is all in w. it.

But regardless, satanists will have their way long as the fiat-currency (legalized counterfeiting by US Federal Reserve Bank--see for expo) continues to be accepted as payment for goods and svcs, and the fiat-currency continues to be imposed by military force all over the world, as we see. And what will happen to Trump? Pray, suckers. For if Trump gets into office, the satanists may have some bad things and events coming to the light of the people, like the Sandy hoax shootings, phony as the Orlando "Pulse" event, and then 9/11 inside job may come-out. So our dear Trump needs be careful.

So maybe hitlery, a doddering, diseased old corpse grasping at the railings, might not have been the best choice after all, now that people know evermore that Stevens, the Ambassador to Libya in Benghazi was deliberately allowed to die, Gold-star families were lied to about the fake vid, hitlery calling them liars, that it's true Obola and hitlery built ISIS just as Trump has said, and that Jew S A is about to become a third world nation, the people impoverished, the country colonized by foreigners, like the Chinese coming here to run businesses and telling the people what to do. And who's behind it all?--we see now it's even older scarecrows like George Soros pulling hitlery's strings, feeding her money for her campaign, Soros and the Trilateralists, like Zbigniew Brzezinski, whose daughter snipes on the Jews-media and MSNBC w. her boy-toy, Joey Scarborough.

So even though there are still huge crowds and groups of utterly stupid scum surviving, the currency is not going to last long enough to keeping them all dazzled for much longer, US Dollar due for a severe devaluation of at least 50%, prices doubling, at least. And at some pt. the powers-that-be are going to be sorry--they'll probably kill a few of the morons just for fun in another staged false-flag psy-op, to start another war, but if we're lucky, the powers will be rather divided and engaged in in-fighting among themselves--perhaps that in-fighting is going on now--as after the failure of the Turkish coup lately.

And we know there's "NO HONOR among thieves," so maybe we'll get lucky as the powers become evermore concerned for surviving the chaos which they've created, suspecting one-another of the inevitable double-cross, but the chaos now affecting them more than they expected and planned. Key then and now for patriot success is in keeping things simple, satanism founded necessarily upon (extreme) subjectivism; real satanists organized and led by Jews, most cohesive (see Thus states rights, secession, nullification, and gold and silver money are the first steps which will do most and best for proper security of the people. And thank heaven we still have excellent men like Ron Paul who remain alive and well among us. We're still in the game, and fighting.

1 comment:

  1. Ck
