Sunday, September 25, 2016

Basis of "good-evil" delusion/fallacy/heresy?--inferiority complex, of which guilt-complex is mere sub-set, sub-compartment....

Below-copied by ap first published at comments,

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Mr. Goody: Psychotically Obsessed With Inferiority-Complex
(Apollonian, 25 Sep 16)

Thus we see what "American's Journey" is all about--MORALISM. And we see how it has ended for Mr. Goody: lies, subjectivism, and satanism--that's it folks, as Porky Pig would tell people at the end of the old Warner Bro.s cartoons, ho ho ho ho ho.

And what then is it at the bottom and behind all this moralist obsession as we see fm Mr. Goody?--INFERIORITY COMPLEX, that's all, guilt-complex being mere sub-compartment.

Thus Mr. Goody imagines he and humans have perfectly "free" (hence God-like) will--which can change reality, like God. Such then is satanism, folks, and now u see why/how Mr. Goody so much relates w. his Jew buddies, masters, and idols, why he defends their conspiracy, criminality, and sociopathy--because he's one too.

It's just that gentile satanists/subjectivists are not nearly as organized, u see. So like masons and homosexuals, they (satanists) have to follow along w. Jews, Jews providing the financing and funds for these subjectivists, dupes, useful idiots, and criminals who betray fellow gentiles. After all, it (treason) is all in spirit of (moral) decency, etc., according to these scum.

And how does a society produce these multitudes of scum, inferiors, moralists, and traitors?--answer: the natural over-population that occurs in CYCLIC course of "Decline of the West," by Oswald Spengler--as happened in Rome, and happened now in Jew S A and West.

Thus we see into the basic motivation of such traitors like Mr. Goody, the excuse being "morality," but the reality being envy and resentment borne of inferiority complex.

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